Monday 29 July 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all well and have had a good day.

Sorry for the absence .. .. yet again .. .. but the house of hearts escaped for a few days .. .. which called for lots of work before we actually left .. .. and now there will be lots of work to do on our return .. .. but it is all worth the extra effort because we have had a wonderful few days away and spent some lovely time away with some very special friends.

I do need to fly in and out really quickly tonight though with a card I have thrown together since our return for entering into the Christmas Kickstart Challenge before it ends .. .. which will be happening very, very soon!!   I haven't missed entering since the challenge began and it would be a shame to spoil things now.

The theme has been "festive things with wings" and this is my offering:

Everything for this card came from the Polkadoodles "Winne Winterland - Big Kahuna" digital download .. .. love that sentiment so much!

Finishing touches being Crystal Glamour Dust, Sequin Ribbon, Twine, Charm and My Trusty Sewing Machine.

So that is me .. .. and Christmas card number 33 goes into the stock box.

Best fly before the challenges ends and hopefully I will be back again soon.


  1. A lovely card Jules - a beautiful image and sentiment.
    Kath x

  2. Pleased to hear you've had a lovely break with friends - always a good thing to do. This is a lovely image and sentiment and well done for keeping up with the challenge each time to add to your stock of seasonal cards.

  3. A gorgeous card Jules, such pretty colours on the background paper and great colouring x

  4. Such a beautiful card Jules. Glad you had a great holiday, don't work too hard now your back.

    Sue xx

  5. Wow, Jules, she's a beauty! You really do pick the most beautiful images and don't even get me started on your fabulous colouring. So glad you beat the clock for this one. Thanks for playing along again at The Christmas Kickstart Challenge. That's a huge number of Christmas cards you've made - well done, Jo x

  6. Very cute image and I love the frou frou bow. Thanks for joining the fun at The Christmas Kickstart Challenge. Hugz

  7. What a gorgeous card Jules, s super sweet image and beautifully coloured. I love your backgrounds papers they are lovely, beautifully embellished too, Kate x

  8. Another cutie card Jules. x

  9. A really beautiful card, fabulous image and a gorgeous design and colours. Keep up the good work.

    Kath x

  10. Jules, what a beautiful image and a stunning card. The sentiment is perfect.
    Glad to hear you have had a few days away with your friends. Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  11. That's very pretty, the bow really finishes it off perfectly
    Anne x

  12. This card is so precious Jules! I love that image and I am so loving that beautiful background paper. Life is so busy, but glad you were able to keep playing along on this challenge. I would have hated to see you miss it too. Hugs, Brenda

  13. Oh, I'm sorry, I missed this one ! What a beautiful Christmas card, lovely image and I love the ribbon with heart ! Hugs, Enny

  14. Wow Jules - this is stunning! So pretty and beautifully made as always (with a heart)!


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx