Saturday 31 August 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well with everyone and if not that things improve very very quickly!

It has been all systems go here in the House of Hearts and my feet don't seem to have touched the ground for weeks now.  Today was my first chance in ages for a nice slow relaxing start .. .. and even the opportunity for a lie-in to re-charge my batteries.  But did I manage it?  Nah!!!  I was still awake at daft o'clock! LOL!!!

I have been working super hard on lots of projects and have also completed a wedding for a lovely happy couple who got married today .. .. I do hope they have had a really lovely day.

Mum's decorating is finally finished and her new carpet was fitted on Thursday.  So all the furniture needed putting back into its rightful place.  She was so happy to escape from her bedroom .. ..  bless her!

All of the above has meant that next to no housework has been done for quite a while but I am actually going to enjoy getting our home back in order!  Who would have thought I would look forward to doing housework!!  I must need my temperature taking.

But of course there still has to be a bit of "crafting time" in every day and whenever I have been kept away from my general crafting I grab my ProMarkers and make straight for the drawer that contains my Penny Black stamps and do a "lucky dip".  No matter what stamps comes out I know I will be happy .. .. and this is what I came up with today:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1729K" Just Buzzin By!
Sentiment:  Penny Black Clear Stamp Set "30-105" Gratitude
Backing Papers:  Make & Create "Romantic Escape"
X-Cut Punch "Flower Doily"
Crystal Glamour Dust
Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I really enjoyed my little crafty play today .. .. let's hope for a major improvement and a bit more blog activity over the next few days!!!


  1. Lovely card Jules...Thursday was definitely my special day!! xx

  2. Sounds like you've been busy Jules... always nice to do a bit of crafting for fun and this is so sweet
    Anne x

  3. A beautiful card Jules, such a sweet image and lovely papers. It sounds like you have been super busy lately, we have just been away for a week so I am busy catching up with the washing - at least it is dry!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. I tried to get onto this post yesterday but when I clicked on this one, went to the previous post!! I love PB stamps and nobody can produce a better Hedgie!! A gorgeous card as always Jules. Glad to hear your Mum's home is back to normal.
    Now I want to know, when you are able to have a lie in, why is it that you wake up early and cannot get back to sleep?!!!!Lol!!
    Hope you had a more peaceful weekend. I am off to the Dentist tomorrow, on my Birthday, to have a broken tooth repaired!! Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  5. beautiful card, love the colours and the gorgeous PB stamp

  6. A lovely card, very pretty soft colours x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx