Tuesday 20 August 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!

I hope all is good with everyone and your week has got off to a good start.

All super busy and chaotic here as Mum is having some decorating done and that has involved trying to cram everything from her living room and hallway into other places in her little flat.  It felt like we were playing a game of "furniture tetris" by the time we had finished and Mum is now living in her bedroom for a little while whilst the "make-over" happens. I have to admit to really looking forward to it all being over and done with .. .. and I am sure Mum must be too.

I spent quite a bit of yesterday with her .. .. but the only place for me, when not in the kitchen, was either on the bed .. .. or sitting on top of what is now a blanket box LOL!!  So crafting propped up on the bed it had to be .. .. though I must admit I could just have easily snuggled down and just gone to sleep!!

Anyway, a quick early doors "teeny tiny" make for me this morning before the day took hold.  For anyone new to my blog these are a a whole 3.5" square and I love making them .. .. and their tiny envelope too.  Such a great way of using up those smaller pieces of paper and card.

 This used:

Image and Sentiment "Stampin Up! "Hello Cupcake" (retired)
Backing Papers from an old Sizzix "Pastels" pad 
Crystal Glamour Dust
Fine Glitter
Glossy Accents
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.  A card made early but not posted until I was once again installed at Mum's  .. .. this time on the blanket box that Dad made .. .. ages ago!!  

Lots of work to get through this week as well as sorting Mum out .. .. .. so more than enough to keep me out of mischief over the next few days!  Such a shame I need to sleep!!  


  1. fabulous colour combo and great stamp and sentiment, looks good enough to eat

  2. This is super, as always. You'd never guess that these cards are so tiny but you do them so well. I feel I should have a go to see how I get on working at such a small scale - not too well I'm guessing although I could certainly do with using up some of my smaller pieces. Also guess the smaller sizes of nested die sets would get used instead of still being stuck to the original packaging!!

  3. Oh, what a lovely card, the cupcake looks so delicious ! Oh yes, decorating is a lot of work, certainly in a small place, but it has to be done every now and then... All the best with your very busy week, and I hope it's done soon ! Hugs, Enny

  4. Love this card, everything about it floats my boat as the old saying goes.

    Kath x

  5. Love your little card Jules, very sweet!! I'm sure your Mum loves having you there. I wish we could have a couple of hours more for a few days!! Lol!! Big hugs and love from Carol S.xxxx

  6. What a yummy scrummy card Jules...good enough to eat!! Love those pretty papers. I hope the make over goes well and there is not too much upheaval for Mum xx

  7. Lovely card Jules....got a cuppa to go with it? xx

  8. A fab card with great colour combo and I love the sentiment x

  9. Gorgeous card Jules and the cake looks yummy enough to eat. Hope the decorating gets done quickly and your Mum can get back to normal xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx