Wednesday 30 October 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday.

I hope life has been being kind to you and if not that things soon turn around.

We had a fabulous weekend celebrating our son's birthday and hearing all about their holiday.  Sadly as suspected their excursion didn't involve them seeing the Northern Lights.  Their photographs showed just the tiniest speck of light on a big black background .. .. that was as good as it got.  But thankfully they could laugh about it.

They are now back home and we are already looking forward to the next time we will all be together .. .. which will be Christmas! That is going to come around very quickly now that November is within touching distance!!!!

I am happy to say I am actually starting to feel like I am slowly getting "back on track" with life again .. .. .. after a rather hectic few weeks.  Mum is much improved, which has helped settle my brain enormously and all of my wedding work is waiting for "happy couples" to get back to me with their signed off proofs or next instructions .. .. so Christmas is once again getting a much needed look in.

I started today with a card for taking over to the Christmas Kickstart Challenge where the current theme is "Jingle all the Way".

This used:

Image:  Just part of Penny Black "2238K" Jingle All The Way!
Sentiment:  Computer generated
Backing Paper:  The Lovely Studio "Jingle Bells Book Print"
Glossy Accents
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is it .. .. making my total number of Christmas cards made this year 40 .. .. and another nice flat one for easy posting.

Enjoy your evening.

Catch you again soon


  1. I love this stamp it's an old favourite beautiful card

  2. Another really cute card Jules. So glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel although I am told it is someone with a torch bringing you more work!! Seriously glad life is improving for you and glad you had a good weekend too. xx

  3. A really super creation, love the image and a really great design and the bells look fab with the glossy accents.

    Kath x

  4. That cute image is so right for the Jingle theme - love it. Pleased to hear that your mother is feeling better.

  5. A lovely card - the PB image is so cute.
    Kath x

  6. So glad that your mom is beginning to improve. Elder care is such a worry, isn't it. Your card is gorgeous and I love the little hedgehogs dancing with the jingle bells. Thanks for playing along again, Jules, always so good to see your card in the gallery, Jo x

  7. Hi Jules, well I'm finally here playing catch up after my holidays and I'm loving all your makes. This christmas card is so sweet with the little hedgies and I love your scraplings card in an earlier post (will definitely be giving that a go). Sorry to hear your Mum was ill but glad to hear she's on the mend xx

  8. Hello Jules, what a fabulously sweet card, super image and colouring.
    Good to hear that your Mum is much improved, Kate x

  9. Glad you had a fabulous weekend with family Jules. To bad your son didn't see the Northern Lights-that would have been amazing to see I'm sure. I would love to see them too myself! lol Glad they had a good laugh about not being able to see them except for a tiny speck of light on a photograph. Maybe next time. Glad things are calming down for you as well and that you mum is much improved. Yes, November is knocking on the door isn't it?! Christmas will definitely be here before we know it. Your card is adorable! I love those little hedgies with their jingle bells. Too sweet! I also love how big the sentiment is to fill up that space. Love the snowflakes around the sentiment too. So cute! Hugs, Brenda

  10. A gorgeous card Jules, love PB hedges. Pleased to hear things are calming down for you too x

  11. What a lovely and fun card, I love those Penny Black characters ! I'm so glad, that your mother is better, it must be a relieve. Yes, Christmas is coming soon, but I think that I have already enough Christmas cards, so one item less on my 'to do list'. :))) All the best, Enny

  12. Perfect themed card Jules love the image ...


  13. A super card Jules, such a cute image and great design - the little peep of sparkle around the outside of the image is perfect.
    I'm so pleased to hear that your Mum is much improved and you are getting your life back on track.
    Take care.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  14. Love this card Jules, the sentiment is wonderful. Glad that your Mum is on the mend xx

  15. A gorgeous card Jules, those little hedgies are so cute.
    So glad to hear that your Mum is improving.
    I'm still not used to working full time...nothing's getting done in this house!
    Lorraine x

  16. Penny Black hedgehogs are so sweet! Your colouring is lovely, as always.

    I'm glad your Mum is improved, it's such a worry, isn't it? Sending you and all the family love. X

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx