Friday 27 March 2020


Hi Everyone

Well the big day has come and Mr Heart has today been enjoying his first day of retirement.

I allowed him a "lie-in" this morning but told him not to make it a habit LOL!!

Sadly all plans for celebrating outside of the home have had to be cancelled but we did cook and share a special meal together last night and will be doing the same on Sunday for our wedding anniversary. 

This is the card I made for him .. .. .. (I think he took the hint)

This used:

Image:   LOTV Simply Print "A Lick of Paint"
Sentiment:   Computer Generated using fonts "Paint Drips" and "Aracne Condensed Regular"
Backing Papers:  Make & Create "Grunge Dreams"
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.

I hope you are all safe and well and have been able to get your hands on some essential shopping items!!


  1. Hi Jules, congratulations to Dave. Retirement is to be recommended, even it does start with redecorating the home. Great card! And congratulations to you both on your anniversary. Celebrating on lockdown ensures it's one you'll never forget. Stay safe and keep well. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  2. Congratulations I hope your Hubby will have a long and happy retirement, believe me Jules, it's the best state to be in.
    Pity friends and family couldn't celebrate, but there's time when all this is over.
    Love these little guys form LOTV, your card is lovely, keep safe Kate x

  3. Ahhh Happy Retirement Dave!! Hope he has a great day off before starting to decorate!! Hope you are all safe and well, Hazel x

  4. Love this Jules...but he has an excuse...can't go to buy the paint! Happy Wedding Anniversary for Sunday! xx

  5. Have you loads of jobs lined up for hubby? Loved the sentiment you teamed with the image a fun card to celebrate his retirement

  6. Talk about dropping hints! This is a great image for a retirement card and good that you could enjoy a celebratory meal together at home. Happy Anniversary too for Sunday.

  7. Oh my gosh, the sentiment did make me laugh out loud. A brilliant creation, super image, great CAS and lovely colours.

    Kath x

  8. Brilliant card, Jules. I LOVE the sentiment! xx

  9. Love it Jules, a fantastic card that I'm sure hubby loved.

    Sue xx

  10. Happy Anniversary Jules!

    Love the retirement card and the message is excellent!!
    Have a lovely weekend. Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  11. Haha that made me laugh Jules. I didn't know there was such a font! Happy Retirement to hubby, and happy anniversary to you both. You could always have one of those virtual parties! Take care xxx

  12. Hi Jules,

    Hope you are both keeping safe and well.

    Love this card,but am surprised you didn't get the paint in ready... haha.

    Take care

    Sheila x

  13. This is gorgeous Jules and a perfect sentiment for the stay at home hubby! I hope Dave has a happy retirement and you both enjoy your new time together.
    Stay safe
    Lorraine x

  14. Wow, what a gorgeous card, I guess the hint is "subtle" enough ! :)))) Congratulations to Mr. Heart, and also for your Wedding Anniversary on Sunday!
    Yes, we all have to postpone some celebrations, but the most important thing is, that we stay healthy ! All the best and many hugs from Enny

  15. Morning Jules...your card is brilliant ...that's exactly what my hubby did when he first retired decorating but after 18 months he was bored so got a part time job!!...but we've been lucky enough to have had 22 years of retirement together so far so hope you and Dave have the same.

    take care


  16. A super card Jules, I'm glad he took the hint - I hope you already have the paint though!
    Such a shame you didn't get to celebrate as intended but I'm sure that you will get to do it at some point in the future.
    Happy Anniversary for tomorrow.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  17. Happy Anniversary and Happy Retirement. Love this card, great words! Stay safe.

  18. Haooy Retirement Mr Heart!! I love this card, it really made me smile!! Keep well xx

  19. Hi Jules . . . I hope he feels strong enough to decorate soon!!!! Terrific retirement card.

    Waving at you from safe distance! Xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx