Saturday 21 March 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all safe and well and have enough supplies to keep you going.

Little did I know when I wrote my blog post on Tuesday just how big a "new way of life" was going to unfold.  Scary times or what?!?!?   

A super manic week for me which has seen lots of my "happy couples" being "not very happy couples at all"!  Those who were getting married soon are no longer able to go ahead and those with later dates are not sure what is happening.  So although I vowed there would be no more wedding work after December 2020 .. .. .. that will no longer be the case.  

Thankfully Mum is doing OK.  I am just hoping with all my heart that she remains that way.  She is vulnerable on a number of counts so we isolated her ourselves nearly a week ago.  Not that she was happy about not being able to eat out at her favourite Toby Restaurant with my Sis on a Tuesday evening!

But alongside everything that is going on at least we can escape into our crafty worlds .. .. .. I am sure most of us will have enough goodies to keep us amused .. .. .. perhaps we will even be ready early with our Christmas cards this year!!!

I have completed my second Christmas card for March (still three more to go) and this is for taking over to the Christmas Kickstart Challenge where the theme this month is "Christmas Cheer AKA Alcohol".  I have to admit that I was stumped for a while with this one.  Not much in my crafty stash that would fit the bill .. .. .. but then I remembered this cute little image:

This used:  

Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Sweetheart Script"
Backing Papers:  Sorry not sure, a download that had been printed and part used ages ago.  Must seek it out again as I have fallen in love with it again.  
Snowflakes: Memory Box Snowflake Heart (the snowflakes are the waste .. .. but I keep them all)
Glamour Dust
Glossy Accents
Gold Gems
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.

Enjoy your weekend everyone, Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow, and be happy doing whatever you are allowed to do .. .. .. .. and above all stay safe and well.


  1. Lovely card with the 2 drinking snowmen ! Hope you can keep it safe there, we also try our best.
    Good luck, Annie

  2. Hi Jules. Lovely card and at the rate we are going with everything Christmas will either be here big time or pass us by this year! lets hope it will be a big celebration for several things for us all. This image makes me smile...I have never seen drunk snowmen before and I do not recognise this image , it must have passed me by. Sad about the weddings..and the expense for them all....what terrible times we are experiencing. Glad to see you are on track with the Christmas cards. Take care xxx

  3. Brilliant image, Jules, beautifully coloured. Really love this card.
    Such a shame that so many plans are being cancelled, it's a scary time for us all. xx

  4. The snow couple look so happy toasting each other a brilliant card

  5. Love the Christmas card Jules.

    Hope you and your family stay safe and well,especially your Mum. We had to isolate my Dad last week too, due to his health problems. He hates being isolated but s, we hope, finally realising that its for the best reasons.

    Keep safe.
    Sheila x

  6. What a happy image this is - for some reason it immediately made me think of Sherlock Holmes and DR Watson but then I always did have a weird sense of humour!!

  7. A gorgeous card Jules. Such sad news about the the weddings having to be postponed, so upsetting for the couples involed. How kind of you to continue to work for them after your cut off date though.

    Keep Safe
    Sue xx

  8. Gorgeous card, Jules! Just perfect for Christmas Kickstart. I'm heading up the road now to wave at my mom from the bottom of the path. Strange times indeed, Jo x

  9. A lovely cute card Jules!

    Glad to hear you're keeping safe and well - it's a strange world at the moment.

    Kath x

  10. A lovely card Jules. I have this image, but not used yet and I love the font too. Pleased your Mum is doing OK. So much disruption caused by the virus, but better to be safe than sorry x

  11. Gorgeous card Jules and such a sweet little image. I'm so glad to hear your Mum is okay even though she is going to miss out on her favourite treats. Such a sad thing for all these young couples who are unable to continue with their wedding plans but I'm sure they really appreciate that you will stick with them. Keep safe xx

  12. Hi Jules, what a cute card, beautifully coloured and designed.
    Glad to hear that your Mum is doing well, such a worry having an elderly parent at the best of times let alone in this worrying and difficult....and confusing time.
    My son made me laugh earlier on when he knocked on the window to give me my gift for Mother's Day, saying he wasn't coming in, but had a conversation through the window. he was telling me he was at Tesco and picked up 3 bottles of wine, only to be told to put one back that only 2 allowed, what am I gong to do after 9 o'clock he asked the assistant, to which they both had a laugh about. Limiting wine seems strange, but there you go, Keep yourself safe, Kate x

  13. Love this card, such a cute image. Keep safe and well. x

  14. Ah what a sweet card, those wee snowpeeps look quite happy with their fizzy drinks!! Its such a shift over the last week with everything, all those poor folks whos weddings have now been put on hold. Glad your Mum is doing ok, its my Gran Im worried about, shes 90 in 8 weeks and has COPD so very high risk, Shes not out much anyway these days so fingers crossed she remains ok, Take Care of yourself, Hazel xx

  15. Gorgeous card Jules, I think we all have enough craft supplies to keep us going. Take care Sue x

  16. This is so sweet Jules. I love the LOTV image and fab design. I almost missed that little white heart!
    Stay safe
    Lorraine x

  17. A fab card and love the snow people!!
    My son is getting married on 4th September, so hopefully this will be all over. I am finding this quite surreal! Wish I could wake up in the morning and see it was a bad dream. My granddaughter is showing symptoms so they have isolated themselves.
    Stay safe, hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  18. Lovely Christmas card Jules this card would be ideal for my friends who’s wedding anniversary is on Boxing Day. Lovely image beautifully coloured and I like the way you stitch your cards


  19. Wow, I missed this one, what a lovely card with those cute snowmen ! Yes, we live in difficult times, in Belgium shops, pubs and restaurants are closed, only food shops stay open. I do hope that we all get through this alright, especially vulnerable people, like your mother. And so good, that we still have our hobby ! Hugs, Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx