Tuesday 14 April 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has been as good as it could be under the circumstances.

I spent some of my day clearing up that messy desk .. .. everything was put away I promise .. .. not just scooped into a humongous cardboard box LOL!!

This is the finished result:

and I am sure you would agree it is a definite improvement on how it looked at the weekend .. .. .. and it smells beautifully of polish too!

I am proud to say that every single stamp and die now resides in its rightful place with the exception of three teeny, tiny clear snowflake stamps and a clear sentiment stamp.  Hopefully tomorrow will see those placed where they belong too.

I am going to try and make it look like this at the end of every day .. .. how lovely it will be to start the day with a clear desk and actually have room for my Cuttlebug!

I did work on a teeny tiny card today as well but unfortunately didn't have time to finish it so I will share that tomorrow.


  1. Wow, this is amazing! Well done.

  2. I'm very impressed with your lovely clean desk Jules!
    Kath x

  3. Well done for your tidy up. Have to admit I'd probably find all that space and tidiness a bit daunting although I'm not sure what that says about me and my crafting habits!! Maybe the 'chaos theory' really applies to me.

  4. Wow! Didn't you do well! I can't remember the last time my desk looked that tidy, good luck keeping it like that.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Wow you have been busy Jules and you certainly have a nice clean workspace now.

    Take care and stay safe
    Sue xx

  6. WOW Jules I am very impressed...doesn't it feel great when its done clean and tidy...


  7. Send the clutter fairy this way please! Now you have somewhere to place that box that get off the shelf...I usually have to resort to the floor! Bet you feel cleansed..lol! xx

  8. Good Lord - call the Police - you've been burgled!!!

  9. On Nooooo...... I hope you didn't lose your MoJo now!!!!!!
    But really, it looks so inviting...
    Good luck with doing this each day! That may be a little over zealous.

  10. Well done Jules a massive clearup, Kate x

  11. Oh my, I have desk envy now!!!Im off to sort mine tomorrow, its so nice when they are tidy!!! Hope you're safe and well, Hazelxx

  12. Can you remember where you have put everything Jules?!! The times I have had a desk like yours was and then putting things away, I forget where some things were put!! I bought some boxes and made a list of what I had put in which box. Sad getting old!!

    Not a good start for you both, retiring and then having to be locked in your home. A big testing time too.
    Love and hugs,
    Carol S. xxxx

  13. I think I prefer it messy as I know then that you are making some fabulous creations.

    Kath x

  14. Holy smoke that is some tidy up Jules!! Well done you xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx