Thursday 30 April 2020


Hi Everyone

Hope your Thursday has been good.

We have had more rain here today .. .. so those water butts should be filling up nicely and the ground feeling a little happier.

My card today features my latest Penny Black stamp which I gained as a bargain last week:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3207H" 
Sentiment:  Woodware "FRS009" Make a Wish
Backing Papers:  All from my snippet collection
Circle Die
Pennant Die
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Crystal Glamour Dust
Diamond Stickles

My snippets seem to be increasing beyond believe so I am trying hard to use lots of them up!

So that is me for today.  Hopefully I will get chance to catch up with you again tomorrow.


  1. Love your stamped image papers and layout

  2. Super image and another great card. Warning about snippets - they breed!!! Guess this isn't news to you.

  3. What a lovely card Jules, if I could make a wish...-> that Corona would go away very soon !!!! The garden looks great after all that rain ! Have a nice weekend ! Enny

  4. Such a gorgeous card Jules, I love the image.

    Sue xx

  5. What a delightful card Jules...I think I have this little stamp somewhere in my PB the design and colours you have used...
    Can't believe another week has gone by but still keeping ourselves busy....
    have a good weekend


  6. Fab card so cute. My water butts would have been full but being a numpty I went to fill the watering can and forgot about it for a couple of days, and we have had loads of rain so they would have been full 3 times over. OOPS!!

  7. Hi Jules what a fabulously sweet card, wonderful image and papers, lovely your design too, Kate x

  8. What a fabulous card using your new bargain buy!! Love the colours here Jules xx

  9. This is super, what a great card, I love Penny Black Stamps they are so cute. Not much rain here although loads has been forecast. My garden needs a good drink!! Have a super weekend, Hazelxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx