Tuesday 21 April 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your Tuesday has gone well.

Sadly there is no card to share today .. .. and I am blaming that on the bread making machine.  We loaded it all up to make dough as we wanted to make some bread rolls rather than a loaf.

We programmed it and pressed the start button .. .. but no .. .. it just didn't want to play.  So I ended up spending rather a lot of time tipping the contents out, mixing and then kneading in the old fashioned way.

Left it to rise, knocked it back and kneaded again, shaped it into bread rolls, again left them to rise and then cooked them.

There has been a wonderful smell everywhere, and I found the kneading quite relaxing and therapeutic .. .. .. and they have tasted lovely too.  But what a lot of time and effort for twelve bread rolls!!  LOL!!

So no card to share but I have added ten new sketches to my library which you can find on the Sketch Library Tab underneath my profile at the top of my blog.  I was getting a little bored at using the same sketches all the time and decided I needed a few new ones to play with.  

If anyone would like to use them then please feel free to do so.

So I will catch you tomorrow with a card using Sketch 41.


  1. Bet those bread rolls were lovely. Enjoy.

  2. I'm sure your enjoyment of the bread rolls was worth the effort, but so much easier using a breadmaker - if working properly!! Thanks for the sketch - you know I'd quite forgotten that you have so many great sketches available for our inspiration. Afraid my brain isn't like a computer - can't just go out and buy extra memory for the brain!!

  3. Super new sketches Jules, thank you for sharing.
    We have a bread maker and often use it just to prepare dough, it is certainly a lot easier than doing it by hand - we are having problems getting bread flour and yeast in our area, I've had to resort to ordering it on line!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. Thank you very much for the sketch, it looks gorgeous ! And what a job indeed, to make bread rolls, but I'm sure they were delicious ! Now that almost everyone is at home, baking and cooking is a favourite pasttime. Hugs, Enny

  5. I can smell those rolls now Jules and a wonderful sketch too.

    Sue xx

  6. As long as the end result was worth it no time spent kneading is ever wasted!! Ooh, new sketches, how fabulous and thank you very much!! xx

  7. Mmmm love the smell of fresh baked bread, my folks have a bread maker and when all is normal I usually get a doorstep of bread home with me for lunch when I nip in. Love your sketch its brilliant, Hazelxx

  8. Super sketch and I haven't got round to making my own bread yet but if knead's must, then I will.

    Kath x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx