Thursday 16 April 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope Thursday has been kind to you.

Looks like we are at home for another three weeks at least.  Good job we have our crafty obsessions to keep us occupied isn't it?

I have spent time with the Playstation Queen today, catching up on her laundry for her and cooking us a little roast dinner .. .. something she can't be bothered to do for herself .. .. even more so now she is "deep in game mode". 

The oracle that is my Mum has also predicted that there will be a baby boom happening next due to the lock-down we are experiencing .. .. .. so as Mum is "always" right, I thought I had better get ahead of the game with this plain and simple card that uses one of my favourite baby images. 

This used:

Image:  Pink Petticoat "Baby Boy Buggy" - sadly not transferred over to The Lovely Studio
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Annie BTN"
Backing Paper:  The Lovely Studio "Tiniest Lovely Little Hearts"
Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.

Short and sweet .. .. .. and yes .. .. still with a clear and clean desk ready for tomorrow!!  LOL!!

Stay safe everyone and I will catch you again tomorrow.


  1. Oh this is a lovely card and yes I would say is right either that or alot of broken relationships. I much perfer the baby boom. My son is awaiting his 1st in 5 weeks a little boy too. I do hope thinks settle before such a worrying time. I also want a cuddle when it is born.

  2. Adore this...I just knew it was Pink Petticoat the minute I saw it...such a shame they are no more. I love your colours and that backing paper is lovely. I do hope you have done one in pink!...and yes I think your mum will be right...I thought so too! xxx

  3. Fabulous image love the size and shape of the pram a beautiful CAS card

  4. A fabulous image, love it. Reckon your Mum may well be right with her predictions!!

  5. A lovely card and such a sweet image.
    Kath x

  6. Morning Jules...just love your quirky little baby image..and I am in agreement with your mum I also think we could see a baby boom..
    You really made smile when you mentioned mun playing on her playstation and I can just see her sitting there engrossed like the youngsters do...bless her and if it keeps her happy that's all that matters.
    Have good weekend


  7. I'm sure that your mum will be right on this Jules. This card is gorgeous.

    Take care
    Sue xx

  8. Now that is one CUTE baby card Jules.

    I'm sure your mum will be proved right! There may also be a record number of divorces too! Not in my household though . . . I am LOVING all the time off with my DH.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  9. Oh your Mum is just fabulous Jules, she is probably right about the baby boom too, and I can just picture her with her playstation, just brilliant.
    Your card is so sweet, it's a lovely image and design, take care and have a good weekend, Kate x

  10. A gorgeous New Baby card Jules, lovely image and dainty papers...not been shopping there for a while!! Yes, I had a similar thought to your Mum...Baby boom on the one hand but many divorces on the other!! xx

  11. Ahhh what an adorable card, I love it. I said to my son that its intensive care thats busy just now but in 9 months it will be maternity with everyone being stuck at home!!! He just eye rolled at me!!! Having been a Midwife I have worked though numerous September baby booms after the festive break!!!Glad your Mum is enjoying the playstation. Take CAre, Hazelxx

  12. A gorgeous card Jules, love the sweet image and pretty design.
    HA ha - I think your Mum is right about the baby boom. I was thinking about making lots of baby cards ready for being able to do the craft fairs again, as well as stocking up on Christmas cards!
    Lorraine x

  13. A really super creation, lovely image and I remember Pink Petticoat, great CAS card.
    Well, I have too admit that I am also a gamer, not on Playstation but on the computer, no idea how old your Mum is but I am 71, and I love it, not as much as card making though, both items keeps your brain active.
    Talking of which, I think that some of the people who are not taking any notice of the lock-down have no brain.

    Kath x

  14. An adorable baby card Jules, such a sweet image and perfect papers.
    I think your Mum might be right, lots of new babies and quite a few divorces!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  15. A super cute card Jules and I love the fact that your Mum plays on the Playstation! It makes me smile every time you mention it x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx