Saturday 11 April 2020


Hi Everyone

Well nearly everywhere seems to be being totally bombarded with lemons at the moment don't they?

But we all try and cope in our own way .. .. even though it isn't easy.   

Some of us will withdraw into ourselves, some will unfortunately become nervous wrecks, and some will feel totally lost by being isolated from other people who perhaps "lift their spirits" under normal circumstances .. .. and of course there are those who believe "nothing will ever happen to them" and are convinced that any rules given can't possibly apply to them. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to have people to share their lives and home with (though some prefer that), some don't have internet access so perhaps can't talk to friends and family remotely, some don't even have a telephone!!!    How on earth are these people coping?

I have to admit to gradually becoming obsessed with everything that is going on and I have been watching and listening to far too much news for far too many days.  Each day is becoming more and more depressing.  So I am making a real effort now to try and listen just first thing in the morning and then to the up-date around tea time (and definitely not before I go to bed!!!  That was a very bad move for me last night and it took ages for my brain to settle!!). 

So I have let music take up more of my day today.  Music always lifts my spirits .. .. .. along with creating.  Not just creating cards but also creating a big mess everywhere .. .. but more about that later LOL!!!.

First I will share my creation for today which uses an image that always reminds me of the old saying "when life gives you lemons .. .. make lemonade" .. .. which Wikipedia describes as .. .. .. 

"a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune.  Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life: making lemonade is turning them into something positive or desirable". 

Very appropriate at the moment don't you think?   For me I am trying to use this "locked in at home time"  in a productive way as I would like to get on top of my commissions, accounts and admin work.  That would be a big move forward for later in the year .. .. with the cherry on top being if I could get some spare stock made (including Christmas).  I don't want much do I?

Anyway, with lemons on my mind here is what I created to share today

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1675K" Make Lemonade
Sentiment:  Woodware Clear Magic Singles "JWS061" Happy Birthday
Backing Papers: Etsy Jazzy Patterns "Cocktail Party
Diamond Stickles
My Trusty Sewing Machine

So with my card shared .. .. I will now share how I know when my craft space needs a really good clear up .. .. as alluded to yesterday.  I loved reading how other people know when they reach this stage LOL!!!

My room has never been as messy as it is at the moment .. .. but the good thing is this means I am in hyper production mode and my brain is jumping from one idea to another.   But the bad thing is I waste time looking for something I have buried .. .. .. somewhere .. . .. .. and this needs to stop! 

So here we go .. .. 

First Clue .. .. This is the aftermath of yesterday's creations.  I can no longer access much of my work desk so you can see why I don't play along with What's on My Workspace Wednesday .. .. it would be far too embarrassing.  I need to get into the habit of clearing away as I finish the day so I can start the next day afresh.

That lovely long red tin is full of hearts, the stamps on the right are new ones I have recently gained that I won't put away until I have used them and that little space front left is where I squeeze in and create LOL!!!

Second  Clue .. .. I am missing a drawer - how can you misplace a drawer!!!!  I looked for it for too long (and in the strangest places and eventually gave up).. .. then surprise, surprise I spied it downstairs on the dining room table as I had taken some work down there to do last week!!  That little bag in the gap where the drawer should be belongs "in" the drawer when it makes its way back home.

Third Clue .. .. .. I am climbing over boxes to actually get in and out of my room.  I am a health and safety hazard really and Mr Heart won't even attempt to enter. This is my "little craft pod" and is the smallest bedroom in a 1930's house and the place I feel most creative.  It really is super small but I love it sooooo much!!!

That little gap you can see is my entry point.  The crate on the floor goes up and downstairs multiple times a week and holds my ProMarkers and a box of images waiting to be coloured.  It also goes in my car everytime I go to Mum's .. .. just in case I get time to do a bit of colouring whilst I am with her.  The other box with the Christmas image on top holds my Christmas sentiment stamps and when it isn't on the floor it lives in my bedroom (nowhere is safe from my crafty goodies).  I can't believe Mr Heart never complains.

So as you can see lots of clearing and organising to do (as well as hovering that bitty floor).  Does anyone else ever get into this much mess or is it just me?  LOL!!!

Good job wedding work never happens in this room.  That has to be super organised and lives in the larger back bedroom!!  So it isn't that I am not capable of being organised .. .. I am just sometimes not capable of stopping creating.  I just want to go on and on and on instead of stopping and clearing away!!!   

Did you notice I deliberately didn't show you my collection of snippets!! LOL!!!  Must try and use some of those tomorrow.

Hope you have enjoyed looking and laughing at my crafty mess.  


  1. Love the card Jules and I love your crafty mess. It makes me feel so much better as I have to climb over boxes on the floor too! Sounds like you should just move into 3 storey house and have a floor each and one to share. How does that sound? Have a good weekend.... sorting? Hugs XX

  2. Lovely post Jules, your card is so cute, and the lemons theme so apt at this time. Carry on creating! I only tidy up when I don't feel like making anything 😀 Happy Easter and take care xxx

  3. The sentiment is perfect for reminding us that we can face the not so good times,love the stamped image and bring colours

  4. Firstly, thank you for your reply Jules, much appreciated. I love PB mice and your papers suit the image perfectly, a super card. You're right about the news being so depressing and we just watch it first thing and later at night now. On a lighter note, I am so pleased to have seen a desk as untidy as mine! These last 2 days I have made a concerted effort to tidy up, but I know that after 2 or 3 more cards it will be in the same state. As you say, it's when you have to search under piles of stuff to find something that you realise it needs doing :) . Also the only thing my hubby does mention now and again is that the floor needs hoovering, otherwise he is very good at "not noticing" :). Have a lovely day x

  5. A super card Jules, I agree, very appropriate for the current times.
    Your desk looks very similar to mine and I have to admit I have boxes of 'stuff' on the floor waiting to find a permanent home! I look at videos of peoples neat and tidy craft rooms and think to myself 'one day perhaps'.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. Love the card Jules. My craft room is quite big but such a mess. As I buy new things, they don't have a home, they go on a chair. I have a large dining table and 5 chairs squished into the craft room. So 2 more chairs to go, then they have to find a home. haha.

  7. Hello Jules, and Happy Easter however you celebrate it. What a lovely post today, and I do agree with your opening words, just how are some folks coping. We are so fortunate in take we don't lead complicated lives and being retired helps. No grandchildren to miss, and have indoor hobbies to occupy ourselves with. Although I am missing my choral singing and aqua aerobic. Alistair is feeling it more than me as he really is an outdoor person and missing being in the hills. He usually goes away for a week or so tramping through the mountains around this time of the year, and of course he can't this year. I felt so sorry for him the other day when he said that he's worried that he doesn't have many summers left where he'll be fit to go up mountains and can't afford to miss the time, he's 74. It's the first time I've heard him speak like that.
    But it is what it is and we just have to keep going and hope we all come through the other end.
    I hope you and your family are well and safe Jules, hugs Kate x

  8. Gosh me again Jules, I forgot to say what a sweet card, lovely design and colours. Great photos of your very busy craft pod, Kate x

  9. Oooo what a fabby card hun, I absolutely love that image, my craft table looks very much like yours and it made me giggle LOL,

    Stay safe hun, Luv Sam x

  10. Gorgeous card Jules, loving all your pics of your craft room.
    Take care. Sue x

  11. Love your card. Love your messy desk,looks very much like mine. I spent three months clearing my room so I could work on my two desk and computer desk. The only one clear is the computer desk! lol Keep safe and well. x

  12. I just love that image, not seen it before, the papers are fabulous and just love this bright and beautiful card.
    I am hoping that next week I will get round to Spring clean my craft room, not looking forward to that.

    Kath x

  13. Missed seeing this post because it didn't come to the top of my sidebar list - happens sometimes. Great to have an insight into your space - tidy compared to mine and I also waste valuable creating time searching for items. I do try to be tidier but fear it is a case of 'can't teach an old dog new tricks' and in fact the chaos doesn't bother me because on the whole I don't notice it. Loving your lemons card.

  14. Your card is lovely Jukes and a perfect sentiment...when I looked at your work space you made me feel ‘good’...I always thought I was a messy crafter...for a few months my craft room has been very tidy as we’ve got our house For sale so I had to keep it clean and tidy but as soon as lock down came in it was a different matter...I always think a messy space is a creative space..we’ll that’s my excuse ..


  15. I love your gorgeous card Jules and the tour of your craftroom, something that I won't be doing as it's far to messy and always needs clearing. Like you i'm trying to cut down on the ammount of news that I listen to as it's far to frightening. I'm quite happy to sit in my messy craftroom everyday until it's safe to venture out into the world again.

    Take care and stay safe
    Sue xx

  16. Lovely card... I just love those little mice...

    I just finished cleaning up my work space that looked very much like your dose in the pics.... I found all kinds of things I had been looking for. but I didn't lose a draw at least! Ha, Ha... Your the best!

    I so enjoy your blog, it keeps me smiling!!!!

  17. Oh, your card is so gorgeous, and yes, your craftroom situation so recognisable !! :)) Mine looks the same, incl. boxes on the floor. I should clear things up, but my new doggy won't let me.... She wants to cuddle all the time... :)) Love, Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx