Friday 29 May 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you have enjoyed Friday.

It has been a really lovely sunny day here.

Sadly there has been no time to create anything for my blog today as it has been a day for mega printing duties and wedding work (quite a novelty after so many of the weddings on my books have been postponed until next year).

I notice that blogger is changing at the end of June and we are going to get a new default blogger interface (whatever that means LOL!!)  .. .. .. eeekkk!!!  I am never happy with change and have no idea what the changes will entail. 

Has anyone been brave enough to click on the "try new blogger" button yet?

Hopefully there will be some crafty play time for me somewhere tomorrow and who knows .. .. I might even be brave enough to press that "try new blogger button".

In the meantime have a good weekend when it arrives and now there is going to be more socialising on the lock-down front .. .. .. please continue to stay safe.  

The world seems a very scary place at the moment doesn't it?  It felt safer when we could do nothing .... .. .. but how nice to be able to meet with loved ones we have been separated from.

See you soon.


  1. Yes Jules...I have clicked on the new blogger and had a mosey around.Seems Ok but like all new things will take a bit of adjustment...we don't like change do I obviously haven't tried to publish anything with it or insert photos...something to experiment with. Took me a while to find the new Post button! Not sure why they can't leave well alone but I think it's called progress. As for the lockdown and it's progress?...prepare for a second wave I say. It will be good to see loved ones...but I perhaps am too cautious and can see the drawbacks...seems when you visit you have to go armed with disinfectant and sanitizer!!!!... or cross your xxx

  2. Hi Jules, hadn't even noticed the new button until you mentioned it, then curiosity got the better of me.....had a little play, kind of looks like change for the sake of changing, and in a way the new features feel like you are sending an email.....more icons than actual words, like a funny little eye thingy, which apparently is preview. Had a panic at first, couldn't find any way to add a link, but found it eventually.....worth noting that there is the option to return to "legacy blogger".

    Due to hubby's health issues we are still "Shielding" till at least the end of June, I actual feel quite relieved that we are, to be honest....stay safe xx

  3. Morning Jules...I don't like change and haven't been brave enough to try the new blogger ...think I'll wait and see how others get on!
    I think its very scary with the lock down being eased but I'm still confined to 'barracks' for another two weeks but also scared we will have another wave of the virus...just hope people are sensible this will so lovely to see the grandchildren properly..
    Enjoy your weekend


  4. I did press the button and read the message saying the new look would make blogger more mobile phone friendly. As I don't use my phone for such things I didn't investigate any further but I'd not realised they were going to give us these 'improvements' anyway at the end of June. Hopefully it won't cause too much hassle but some of us are wary of change - my theory is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' !!!

    I'm very cautious about the latest relaxation of the lockdown rules - quite scared if I'm honest.

  5. Not been brave maybe today. :)

  6. Hi Jules
    No I have clicked onto the new blogger .... I to don’t like change ... I wait for you to try ...
    we did our own shopping this week ...but I was so scared to go out ... lots of people don’t keep there distance ....
    Take Care
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  7. I haven't been brave enough to click the button either. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to get used to. I'm hoping I'll be able to edit on my iPad once it's changed over, rather than just my laptop or PC. That would be a great help. xx

  8. I had a quick look Jules, it seemed incredibly fussy to me so I switched back, we'll have to bite the bullet and go for it in the end I suppose because they won't support the old version. They have made the changes to make it better for mobiles!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Hi Jules, I've clicked and now using the new blogger. I have not as yet written and posted a post though, don't know how that will go.
    I did by mistake unpublished my post, but it was then caught in draft, so reposted, it will just take time, Kate x

  10. I've had a look at the new Blogger and then returned to the old one. My understanding is that the new version will be default, but you can still use the old version. I guess the new version will be okay, but will take some finding my way around!

    Exmouth beach and seafront are a nightmare. There are lots of large groups congregating and social distancing seems to be forgotten by many. We've now started to avoid walking along the front and are finding quieter paths. Steve is working from home as much as possible and I'm still furloughed - so we're staying as safe as we can!

    Look after yourself and Mr Heart.
    Kath x

  11. Hi Jules, no, I haven't been brave enough yet.... don't like all those changes, but I guess I have to try it before the end of June. :( I do hope that I can find everything (buttons etc...) If you don't hear from me in July, I'm "lost" in Bloggerland.... :))) Have a nice weekend ! Enny

  12. Hiya,

    I was lulled into it by my friend who said oohhh look theres a new blogger its brill!!! So I pressed the button and have to say im now having to think when I blog cause I cant find all the buttons that Im used to in the right places. I do really like the new look its just the getting used to it thats gonna take some time.

    Hope you are having a great weekend,


  13. No I haven't but Brenda (Allsorts and PB and More) has and she said she was not impressed.
    Gosh i has taken me all these years to get used to this one, never mind trying a new one.

    Kath x

  14. Hi Jules, I'm glad you are busy and at least your work is at home, as mine is. My blogger changed last week. I didn't know why and assumed it was a roll out. Perhaps I clicked that button by accident, nothing would surprise me!
    Everything is in a different place, so it takes longer to post anything. The first time my photos wouldn't load but then it worked fine the next time so I don't know what that was all about.
    I hadn't seen the 'return' button before it was pointed out. I might stick with it for a few weeks and see how I get on but I too wish they would just leave things alone!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx