Saturday 2 May 2020


Hi Everyone

Well my weekend has got off to a good start .. .. but sadly it hasn't given me any time to make anything new for my blog.

So instead I thought I would share some cards I made for the May issue of Cardmaking and Papercraft Magazine.  I totally loved this commission.  I loved the papers and the stamps/wooden elements .. . and most of all the colours I worked with.

So that is me for today.  Apologies to anyone who doesn't like the odd bug or two (no pun intended)!!

I am enjoying being back in blogland more frequently now .. .. .. though weddings are starting to come back on the scene ready for happy couples that are hoping to be married later this year.  I hope their plans work out.

I desperately want things to return to normal and certainly Boris is sounding like he is wanting to get things moving again soon, but I feel very unsure and scared and am going to be very cautious for a good while yet.  I am worried about a second peak and haven't worked this hard in keeping Mum strong and healthy over the last couple of years to let this virus spoil things for us.  I want to celebrate her 90th birthday with her later this year!

Hopefully my snippets can come into play tomorrow but in the meantime stay safe, try and have some fun .. .. and enjoy being crafty!!!


  1. Your cards are really lovely, Jules. The bugs images are so pretty and I love how you've used them on your cards. xx

  2. Wonderful creations, love them. Stay safe and well.

  3. Beautiful cards! I love the papers too:)

  4. I'm afraid bugs are my 'thing' but your card showcase them very well...
    we are like you worried what happens when lock down is eased up but I don't think Boris is being extra cautious having suffered this dreadful virus himself..I'd rather stay home for longer and know we will be safer when it does all end..


  5. A super collection of cards Jules, I love the bugs and the teal accents go so well with the bugs and the papers.
    I for one will not be rushing out when the lockdown eases, I might drive to the coast and walk the dog along a quiet beach but I will be taking a packed lunch and keeping a good distance from everyone else.
    Take care.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. Wonderfjul cards Jules, I still have to pick up my magazines in town, but we aren't allowed to go there yet. Things (rules) will get better the next weeks, but we still have to be careful, that the pandemonium doesn't return ! Hugs Enny

  7. Great cards but not too keen the subject matter. Great colours though.

    Kath x

  8. Well Jules...these cards give me the creeps! hate bugs...spiders and moths!!!...shudder....but your cards are lovely classy designs even so. xx

  9. Missed seeing these when you posted - love the colours used and I'm quite fond of the odd insect or two on cards. I think you are right to feel cautious about too speedy a return to some sort of normality - I'm quite worried that it could all kick off again and undo the good we've done by being good and staying at home away from people.

  10. Oh these are super but Im not too keen on the beetle!!! I think that a lot of folks will be very cautious from now on. My Gran was saying she doesn't think she will ever use a bus again. Mind you shes done well still using them, shes 90 on Sunday. Have a lovely week, Hazelxx

  11. Hi Jules, super cards even although I don't like those bugs. Your images and designs are fabulous.
    I for one do not want things to relax, I believe it is far too soon for that, and thankfully our First Minister is not considering it. You are right to be cautious, it would be terrible to have a second wave of the virus, take care, Kate x

  12. Where have I been, it looks like I need to do a bit of catching up. I love this collection of gorgeous cards.

    Sue xx

  13. What a great job with the creepy crawlies!! Ideal for little boys and their slugs and snails!! I confess to also being a bit scared by what is to come, life seems rather safe and cosy at the moment and I really don't want that to change too much xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx