Sunday 31 May 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a lovely Sunday .. .. .. beautiful weather here again .. .. though the lawns aren't looking very happy.  

Well I dared to "press the button" and have done today's post using the new blogger up-grade.  All went OK, so it is just going to be a case of getting used to where everything is again.  Hopefully that won't take too long.

Anyway, here is my last Christmas card for May .. .. ..

This used:

Sentiment:  Computer generated and sitting waiting to be used in my Christmas snippets box
Backing Papers:  Also from my Christmas snippets box
Origami Christmas tree (tutorial link below)
Spellbinder Circle and Scalloped Circle Dies
My Trusty Sewing Machine

So my Christmas quota has been met for May .. .. and I will be taking this little creation over to Pixie's Snippets Playground as all the card and paper, apart from the base card, came from my Christmas snippet box .

The little tree has been made from a triangle of brown paper .. .. I posted a tutorial on my blog here (over 9 years ago !!!) for anyone who would like to have a go at making one.  The thinner the paper you can use the easier you will find creating one.

So lock-down is being relaxed !!  It all feels a little rushed to me.  So many new cases each day but they still say the time is right.  All I know is I certainly won't be taking Mum out anytime soon .. .. .. even if they say I can.  

In fact all is super scary with Mum at the moment.  She lives in sheltered housing where there are about 30 residents, each with their own flat but sharing some parts of the building.  Yesterday I got a phone call from the warden to say that one of the residents has been admitted to hospital with COVID .. .. eeeekkk!!!.  So they are now in the process of a deep clean and are reminding the residents again of all the safety measures they should be following!  

Thankfully Mum isn't a very sociable bod.  She doesn't mix with the others but of course there is always the possibility of us kids picking something up and taking it into her either from the outside world or more worryingly by picking something up from the building she lives in.. .. .. so we are going to have to be "extra extra super careful".  I am just hoping all goes well with the poorly resident and that no-one else falls victim to it.

Anyway .. .. that is me for today.  I will catch you again soon and if all works and looks OK when I publish then I will be one happy bunny.

I have tried to do everything in this post so hopefully there are no more surprises anywhere. 


  1. 3 medals for you today for making the Christmas count with your card for the month of May!...where did that go? the second for using the new blogger very successfully and third for having to cope with your mum and the threat of the lurking Covid. I DO SO hope your mum stays well and you too of course and that the deep clean rids anywhere of the virus, and that the poor person who fell victim will be OK. It's a stark reminder that it is all still too soon to be venturing out far. As for your the little tree. I wish I knew how you came up with all these ideas. Hugs xx

  2. A really lovely card with a super background(love the colours) and a really great tree.
    You must be really worried about your Mum.
    I really should have a look at the new Blogger before we have to use it, but a bit scared incase I can't use it.

    Kath x

  3. Hi zjules
    Super card....
    You have done the dirty deed then ... I have spoken to a few bloggers ... none of them seem to like it .... and have gone back to the original till they have to change ....
    Hope your Mum goes on ok .... will be thinking off her ...
    hugs Sylvie xx

  4. I pressed the button too!!! Going to pray for rain then I can sit inside and navigate it..... but then again I really AM enjoying the lovely weather!

    This is a lovely card Jules - the woody backing paper is awesome!

    I am with you on the easing of lockdown.There are still far too many cases getting reported every day for my liking and there's no way we will be going to see M-I-L (who is one of those shielding) for some time yet, 2m apart or not. Too quick to open the floodgates - but that is what has happened - we will see what the numbers are like in another 3 weeks before taking any chances with her precious life (and ours). xx

  5. Really lovely card. Keep safe.

  6. Super card, Jules. I love the little Christmas tree, thanks for the link to show how it was made. I still have some of that pink paper you used..... is it really at least nine years old??!! How your Mum keeps safe and well and that the resident who has Covid makes a speedy recovery. xx

  7. A fantastic card Jules, I love the colours you've used for it. Hope that everything continues to be well with your Mum.

    Sue xx

  8. Oh Golly, I hope that all is ok at your Mums sheltered housing. Its such a worry. Your card is super, I love all the glitter on it, well done on joining the new blogger team. Its just a case of pressing buttons to see what does what, Hazelxx

  9. A gorgeous card Jules, I love the little tree - so sweet.

    Well done on trying the 'new blogger' - I've avoided it so far. I'm not keen on change and wish they wouldn't mess with stuff! Ah well....I'll have to get on with it!

    You must be worried about your Mum. I hope she is OK and the poorly resident recovers soon.
    Lorraine x

  10. Super Christmas card and thanks for the reminder about the tutorial. I do hope your Mum remains safe where she is and I'm sure they are doing everything they can to prevent any 'bugs' lurking but it is a worry for you. I too think the relaxing of rules has come a bit too soon and I'm still staying put for now.

    Well done for trying the new Blogger and I've done the same but it is good knowing that we can revert to the original if anything goes wrong. Belt and braces and all that!! Hugs.

  11. What a lovely card Jules - the tree is so cute! Well done on tackling the new blogger - that's my next venture. And I do so hope your Mum stays safe and well - and that the resident who has COVID makes a full recovery.


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx