Wednesday 3 June 2020


Hi Everyone

Well what a difference today has been .. .. .. suddenly everyone was walking past our house with coats on .. .. .. and the gardens have had a much needed dosing of rain.  Hopefully that means the lawns might return to a nice shade of green again.

So here I am with the card that was too wet to photograph last night.

I wanted to make the gem shine .. .. .. so added a few layers of Glossy Accents so it has a nice dome on it.

I think it would make a lovely thank you card. 

So my ingredients list is exactly the same as last night with the addition of glossy accents.

I have been a bit disappointed with my photographs recently and am wondering if I have accidentally altered a setting on my camera.  So tonight I have taken my pictures using an ipad mini to see if that is an improvement.  I think it might be.

I'll catch you again soon.


  1. Love how much sparkle and shine you've achieved on these gems, Jules, Jo x

  2. They are both gorgeous cards Jules and I bet your latest one looks brilliant with the glossy accents in real life. I love the dark blue mat too. Your previous photos always looked perfect to me and yes a lot colder today, such a contrast to yesterday xx

  3. Well although it's been overcast here all day, we've had rain but not enough to make a differrence to the garden. However Hubby played golf today about 30 miles away and he got wet. Such a great card Jules and the gloessy accents really make the gem pop.

    Sue xx

  4. Another beautiful card Jules

  5. I reckon the glossy accents have made this gem look much like the real thing especially if seen 'in the flesh' as it were. Dry and sunny here again at the moment but cooler after the wet day yesterday thank goodness.

  6. Beautiful cards, especially the one with the Glossy Accents.
    Kath x

  7. Fabulous cards Jules, the gems are beautiful.
    How is your Mum coping, things are going on and on now - it is my Mum's 92nd Birthday today so we will be taking her cards and gifts later and hopefully have a chat through the window, not an easy task as she is almost completely deaf!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Absolutely gorgeous cards Jules, beautiful images and wonderful colours, lovely CAS designs too, Kate x x

  9. Love these, The glossy acents on the now dry one is super, Makes a real show stopper of a card. We have had some rain too, My garden is delighted its not just me watering it now!! Take Care, HAzelx

  10. Two super creation, great images and CAS cards can not really tell from the photo but bet it looks really great with all the GA's.

    Kath x

  11. Wonderful CAS cards, Jules. Love the gems and the way you've made them sparkle and shine. xx

  12. Love these sparkly little gems!! Great cards Jules xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx