Sunday 26 July 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your Sunday has been a good one .. .. relaxing if you wanted it to be .. .. and productive if you needed it to be.

Mine has been quite enjoyable, but with no cards made. 

Today I wanted to try making a fabric face mask following a YouTube Video that a lovely blogging pal emailed over to me (thanks matie .. .. doesn't look quite as dapper as yours but not bad for a first attempt).

The first hurdle to pass in making it was to locate my stash of fabric.  Should I move all the furniture about in my craft pod so I could get to the drawers in my sewing cabinet .. .. or should I go up into the roof and find the plastic boxes that hold the rest of my fabric?

The roof space won .. .. I decided if I started moving things round in my very small craft pod one thing would lead to another and I would end up getting no sewing done at all!

Once up there I located the two rather large boxes .. .. eventually .. .. and started going through them.  I loved rummaging through them and it made me want to start sewing and making my own clothes again.  Lots of fabric in there that I had bought when I used to go out to work for making suits, skirts, blouses and most of all waistcoats.  I love waistcoats .. .. especially when they have beautiful snazzy lining inside and on the back.  Perhaps I could bring waistcoats back into fashion again LOL!!

It took me ages to choose what I could "spare" to have a go at making a mask.  I kept thinking what each piece could make instead and would put it back into the box.  I could make myself a whole new wardrobe with what is squirrelled away!!  

Anyway I decided this piece was just perfect .. .. .. by the time I had chopped my pieces off it I would still have enough fabric for a short sleeved top.

This was the finished look:

Certainly a much better fit than the disposable ones we have been using up to now, and much more comfortable too.  It even fits Mr Heart! (not that he would wear one with flowers on in a month of Sundays) and my glasses didn't steam up either!

With it being a pretty successful attempt it looks like I will be back to deciding what other fabric I can spare, as apparently we need to wash them after each use so we will need a few.  

I just don't know why I feel so possessive over pieces of fabric I have let sit there for years on end whilst playing with card, paper and ribbon!

All that remains now is to decide what we pop inside the inner pocket as a filter. What have other people been using?  Does anyone have any suggestions please?


  1. Great mask, well done, no idea what you can use.

    Kath x

  2. Thanks for the link, Jules. I'm about to make some cushions and will probably utilise some of the leftover fabric, Jo x

  3. The mask looks great, Jules. We've had the standard disposable masks (not that I've been out that much) but the cost just keeps going up, so I bought a 3-pack of fabric ones to see what they were like. Both the husband and Boy Wonder find them more comfortable for work, so I've decided to have a go at making my own. Here in Scotland we're waiting for an announcement about the return to school - we're going back a week early, on 10th August. I have a feeling I'll need a visor as I think it will be quite hard to teach languages wearing a mask. I've been around well over half a century but I don't remember times as strange as these. Stay safe xx

  4. Like you Jules, I have bags of fabric and had thought of making my own masks. I have a friend that was a nurse and she had a friend that made washable ones. I am sure she said what you use as a filter. Can't remember of course and will text her tomorrow.
    Love and hugs,
    Carol S.xxxx

  5. Looks good Jules. I made some but even with nose wire my glasses steamed up so I've bough some triple layer knitted ones - made in England too!
    Kath x

  6. my craft room is tiny and very over full,so much so my sewing machine had to be moved downstairs , so I don't use it as much as I would like . I used like sewing cards and making little things ,especially for my dolls house. Enjoy your sewing time Jules and your mask looks great , you'll have to make Mr Heart a real mach one lol . Jane x

  7. I completely identify with your thoughts and possessiveness over your fabric collection!! Pleased you found you could spare some to make some masks. Amongst my sewing 'stuff' I came across a box of nappy liners (don't ask) which I think should be good as a filter lining for cotton masks. One tip apparently is that if you are unable to blow out a candle whilst wearing your mask it should be good enough for protection. Nappy liners were used when I was attending a creative machine embroidery course some years ago, not even sure if you can still buy them. Also amongst sewing stuff was a box of surgical latex gloves used when dyeing fabrics for same course. Never throw anything away I say 😀😀

  8. Your face mask looks fab. I used to do lots of sewing (pre children) suits for work and waistcoats! My sewing machine hasn't been out for about 5 years now but I still have boxes of fabric in the loft!
    Lorraine x

  9. A fabulous fabric face mask Jules, it looks great.
    I'm like you are with fabric, except it's paper with me!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. Fabulous mask Jules, I made some but hubby insisted on black, so I bought a pair of good quality Egyptian cotton pillowcases very economical, compared to buying

  11. Oh that looks super, what a great mask. I bought ours on etsy but they dont have space for filters. I wash them as soon as we come home and then they are ready for the next outing. ( we arent away that much). We've worn them since April as the First Minister here suggested wearing them in shops long before she made it mandatory. Ive a few throw away ones in the car just incase it slips my mind that I need one. Ive some fabric but I just cant cut into it. Its like some of my pretty papers!! Cant use them either!! Hazelx

  12. Fabulous mask Jules, well done, Kate x

  13. Looks great Jules ....a friend has made me 3 ....she has just started sewing ....she’s made a fab job....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  14. I have been unable to use my good fabrics too but have used an old duvet cover and have been using dried out baby wipes as the filter. Hope this helps. Take care. Beverly x

  15. Great face mask Jules....I've just pulled some fabric out of my 'huge mountain of fabric leftovers'...I knew one day it would come in hubby wears hearing aids and that's a big problem for him because every time he takes his mask off it pulls off his hearing aids as I'm trying some with small velco dots on for him... There are some really good masks around


  16. Great job on your mask Jules! It looks great! I know some people are using coffee filters in their masks, they say they work great. I wish I had some fabric to make masks with, might have to get me some. Sounds like you were a great seamstress Jules, why does that not surprise me?!!! Hugs, Brenda


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Love Jules xx