Friday 17 July 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has been a good one.

Mine started by finishing off a card I began to make on Wednesday evening .. .. and this morning was the first chance I had to return and finish it.

I am dedicating this card to everyone who needs a good old dollop of love at the moment.  

Quite a quick and easy card to pull together really because I keep a collection of flowers and leaves that I have die-cut from snippets of leftover white and coloured card and I just grab them as and when I need them .. .. or when I fancy a little colouring session.

This used:

Snippets from the Snippet Mountain
Sizzix  Thinlits Dies:  
"664163" Wildflower Stems 1
"664164" Wildflower Stems 2
"662697" Stitched Slots
Sentiment:  Penny Black Clear Stamp Set "30-146" Loads of Love
Diamond Stickles (that you probably can't see)
Pearls, Button and Twine

So that is me for today, and as everything but the base card came from the ever increasing snippet mountain, I am making my way over to enter my card into Pixie's Snippets Playground Challenge, where we are encouraged to use up as many leftovers as possible.  

Enjoy what is left of the evening and have a good weekend too.


  1. Some really lovely dies, great colours and a super design.

    Kath x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous Jules, the design is brilliant and your flowers are so beautiful, Kate x x

  3. WOW! Eine ganz fantastische Karte, tolle Blüten und eine coole Idee, sie in die Schlitze zu stecken! Herzliche Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Eva!

  4. A great card for the Playground challenge and a super collection of flowers - I do so like these Sizzix dies, they are so versatile

  5. Beautiful pocket of posies Jules and I love how you’ve sneaked your heart in between them... your card would cheer anyone up with all the pretty colours.
    It’s a dull start here in Somerset this morning but hoping the sun will shine through later....
    Enjoy your weekend whatever you’re doing..


  6. A beautiful posy Jules , love the pocket you created for them and the wooden background, have a great weekend

  7. A beautiful card Jules, a lovely collection of flowers.
    I'm going to see Mum this afternoon, hopefully it will go well and she will understand why I can't give her a hug.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. A fabulous bouquet of flowers Jules, a gorgeous card too.

    Sue xx

  9. This is super, what a great make, Love the flower heads all popping out of the slot. Sending a big dollop of love back at cha, Hazel x

  10. Wow!! Jules this design with the pocket, is beautiful and love the colour and flower mix. Another gorgeous card.
    Love and big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  11. Oh, this card is really gorgeous, such beautiful flowers, wonderful ! And of course a big dollop of love back to you !! Enny

  12. What a brilliant idea for bits and pieces of white card...must try and remember that tip!! Love the pretty colours you have used xx

  13. Wow Jules - what a totally stunning card - great use of snippets and what a result!


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx