Friday 10 July 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good day .. .. .. and if not that tomorrow will be better for you.

A quick play today for the Penny Black Saturday Challenge.  The theme each month is always "anything goes" but they throw in an optional theme if you want to follow it.  This month that optional theme is "nature".

I decided to go with the optional theme and use a stamp that I gained years ago and have never used (and from the condition of the stamp when it arrived - neither had the previous owner).  Have you ever bought stamps from Ebay where the one you really want comes with another that you could happily leave behind?  Well this was a "leave behind" stamp.  One I only bought because I desperately wanted the one it came with!

But now I have used it .. .. .. well it perhaps isn't that bad LOL!!  Just need to play with it more.

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "4306L" Kisses in the Sun
Sentiment:  LOTV Sentiment Tags
Backing Papers:  First Edition Paper "Free Spirit"
Spellbinder Dies:  Circle and Scallop Circle
Distress Inks:  Tumbled Glass and Antique Linen
Ribbon and Cord
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine

So that is me for today.

Make the most of your weekend when it arrives.  I am going to see our youngest Son inside his home for the first time in about 5 months!  I really can't believe how long it has been.  Thank goodness for Facetime that's all I can say.  Just wish it had been around when our eldest was at Uni.

Anyway .. .. take care everyone.


  1. Your stamp is a beauty love the colour of the butterfly and papers the bow a wonderful finishing touch

  2. Morning Jules...I think your image is lovely and pleased you decided to use it...all your colours blend So beautifully together.
    We’ve all got uninked stamps ..I’ve been clearing out and have found a few...hopefully they will go to a new home and be ‘loved’.

    Have a good weekend..hope you’ve got beautiful sunshine like we have.


  3. I'd say that stamp deserves to be used and I love your colour scheme. Have a good weekend.

  4. Such agorgeous butterfly and card Jules. I love the colours you've used.

    Sue xx

  5. What a beautiful card Jules! I am loving that image and glad you got it out to play with it. I hope you love it now too. lol I think it is so beautiful the way you have colored it. The butterfly and what looks like raspberries is so pretty on the scripty background. You chose wonderful papers to go with it too. I'm in love this with card! I hope you have a wonderful time at your son's house! Glad you guys are doing well with the Covid stuff, much better than we are right now because you guys stayed hunkered down longer. They shouldn't have opened here in the States so soon. It's a mess! Keep staying safe! Hugs, Brenda

  6. Hiya, Hope you are having a great time seeing your son. Its so nice to have facetime these days though, makes a big difference actually seeing their wee faces rather than just hearing them!! Your card is super, I love that stamp its beautiful.The colour of your butterfly is amazing. I have a few stamps like you that I got with the one I wanted over on Ebay. Must try and use some of them too!!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Hazelxx

  7. I can’t think why you don’t like this stamp. It is so pretty and
    I love the colours you have used. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Gorgeous bold colours and a really lovely image.

    Kath x

  9. A beautiful card Jules, pretty papers and gorgeous image - your bow is lovely, so perfect - do you use a bow maker?
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. What a beautiful card, lovely colours, and the stamp is pretty ! Hugs, Enny

  11. Beautiful card - love that layered butterfly!
    Thanks so much for playing at the Penny Black Saturday Challenge!
    Helen x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx