Sunday 2 August 2020


Hi Everyone
I hope that you have enjoyed your weekend.  They seem to be whizzing by very quickly don't they.

Today I made a card for taking over to Fezziwig's Festive Frolics where the theme is "Let's see Santa".

Lots of Santa's in my crafty stash but I particularly love this one:

This used:

Image, Sentiment and Backing Papers all from Polkadoodles "Winnie Winterland" Big Kahuna Digital Craft Download Bundle.
Memory Box "99031" Snowflake Heart (the snowflakes are the lovely waste)
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I love playing with this Polkadoodles download very much - the gorgeous images come plain or pre-coloured. There are some gorgeous Christmas papers alongside but you can hardly see mine here unfortunately.

Today I used pre-coloured images to create a little scene using my Serif Craft Artist 2 programme.  

The only thing I changed was adding a mouth to Santa's "significant other".  I do struggle with images where the characters don't have mouths .. .. .. and yet I love my collection of Willow Tree ornaments and they don't have any eyes, nose or a mouth!!!  So where is the logic there?

Anyway, that is me for today.

Let's wait and see what this next week is going hold for us shall we?

Take care and stay safe.  

Thankfully there is snooker on TV this week so my Mum won't be asking "Can I go out yet?".  She will be glued to her TV.  Bless!


  1. Gorgeous image Jules Mr.and Mrs Claus look like a happy pair,hope all is well with you

  2. Love this image Jules. Such a cute card. I'm with you about mouths on images!! I also have a collection of Willow fairies!!
    I had a CT scan today for my smelly nose problem. No idea how long I have to wait for the result.

    Hope you have a good week.
    Stay safe,
    Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  3. Yes I agree this is one of Nikki best santas and love what you have done with it. Lovely card I need make some more Christmas cards.

  4. Hello Jules! I'm behind you at Fezziwig's so I came to leave a comment. That's a lovely card, done up just right. I had to look and see if Ive ever used any of my Polkadoodles and I haven't. I hope I can use them as well as you do! XOX

  5. Super card. I took a guess at the source of the image before looking to the end of your blog and I was right. Polkadoodles come up with some really great images and I still turn to some of their CD's which I've had for a long time. Might have to investigate this download though 😉

  6. A gorgeous card Jules, the image is adorable - they look so sweet.
    Lorraine x

  7. A stunning card Jules, I know just what you mean about faces not having mouths. It's just not right.

    Sue xx

  8. A beautiful Christmas card Jules, a sweet image - I have to agree with you about the mouth.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Ooh this is so sweet, what a cute couple! I'm with you there....characters NEED mouths, this was always my pet peeve with Tilda stamps!

  10. Haaa just had a wee flashback to when Tom was tiny, Mum in Law has lots of Willow Tree ornaments and wee Tom was scared cause they had no faces. So Gran happily drew pencil faces on them for him. Bless! I love your card and she looks like she has always had her smile, thanks for joining in with me again over on Fezziwigs, Have a great week, Hazel xx

  11. A gorgeous card Jules and lovely cute couple x

  12. love it Jules...amazing colours
    xx Karen

  13. What a fabulous image which really stands out on the white background, a really super card.

    Kath x

  14. Gorgeous card Jules ...such a fun image ...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  15. Such a sweet image Jules and a super card, Kate x

  16. A super cute card Jules and I am with you and don't like the mouthless look!! xx

  17. I love Polkadoodles images they are just all so cute, this is really sweet, hugs Pops x

  18. Oh,such a beautiful card, wonderful image and lovely embies ! Love, Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx