Sunday 25 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend .. .. .. and that extra hour we were treated to.   What did you do with yours?

I'm not sure whether I spent mine having an extra long walk this afternoon with Mr Heart or whether I spent it pulling wallpaper off the walls in the kitchen?

Yes, we have finally got around to starting some decorating .. .. yay!!!  

Whilst cooking our evening meal last night I decided to see how easily I could pull wallpaper off the wall and that was it .. .. .. another job created!!   Mr Heart was very strong at concealing his disappointment at the thought of his least favourite pastime making an appearance .... DIY ... .. .. LOL!!!    He needs to think himself lucky because if he had been married to my Mum he would be decorating every room in the house at least once a year!

So once back from our walk it was time to head to my little craft pod for a play with my snippets and this is what I came up:

This used another of the five images I purchased from Whimsy Dreams Clipart

Image:  WhimsyDreamsClipart:  Ethel 
Sentiment:  Hero Arts ""DC170" Merry Stamp & Cut (but I didn't do any cutting)
Gold Embossing Powder
Glossy Accents
My Trusty Sewing Machine

A stamping platform was used to add the "merry" sentiment, heat embossed four times to add a thick layer of gold lettering.

I am taking my card over to Pixie's Snippets Playground as everything but the card base came from snippet mountain, and I am also nipping over to the October Rudolph Days Challenge.

Nearly another month gone!!  Eeeekkk!!!!  This really has surprisingly been the fastest year ever!!


  1. Hi Jules,hope your decorating goes well and doesn't take too long
    A stunning elegant CAS card with a beautiful image and sentiment
    Have a great week Meg xx

  2. Lovely design on this beautiful Christmas card Jules. Love the added gold.x

  3. A lovely traditional Christmas card - very attractive foliage and the gold lettering certainly has impact. Good luck with the decorating, not my favourite activity.

  4. A fabulous card Jules - I love the design and the beautiful embossed sentiment.
    Kath x

  5. A gorgeous card Jules ,love the holly in the
    Take care#Doreen

  6. That's a beautifully classic Christmas card. So simple yet packs a punch and definitely catches the eye with the gold 'Merry'. I have to admit, I absolutely hate decorating. In my house, we decorate one room but surprisingly every other room seems to be a mess and I don't do mess so I get very snippy very fast lol... I like the finished look but urgh, actually doing it meh! So good luck and have fun x

  7. A beautiful traditional type card Jules. Hope your decorating goes well, something we need to do in the New Year I think x

  8. This is so classy and absolutely stunning that strong embossed merry it really makes a statement though I wonder how merry all our Christmases will be this year! Good luck with the decorating! xx

  9. So clean & classy & lovely! The gold embossing looks wonderful!

  10. A beautiful Christmas card Jules, such an elegant design.
    I don't envy you decorating the kitchen, I've told my hubby next time we decorate the kitchen I'm going away for a couple of weeks!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  11. Such a beautiful card, I love the simplicity of this.

    Debbie x

  12. Your card is stunning, what a great make. I love the elegance of it. I crafted my extra hour away!!! Thats a very good use for it!! :) Have a super week, Hxx

  13. Beautiful classy card Jules and I love the triple embossing.. hope your decorating goes well..


  14. This is a lovely, elegant looking card. LOVE the Merry in the gold embossing! it really sets the tone for the card.

    Sorry about publishing both comments...I had already hit publish when I realized that I should have deleted.
    I have my comments set to view first and then approve due to spam. That is why you could not see your comment. I could take it off now, but am afraid to touch anything with the new blogger!

    I had the R Days post all done and ready to go and a few minutes before publish, I realized that the post was sitting on my other blog! For some reason my blog shows first to me on view, but as soon as I switch to design, it switches to the Christmas card Club that I am a member of with admin rights. I could not figure out how to cut and paste or even copy and paste in the new blogger, so I had to rewrite the post on the correct blog and delete the other...ugh...I do not like the new blogger at all!

    Thanks for taking part in the October Rudolph Days Challenge.

  15. A very classy CAS card Jules, love it.

    Kath x

  16. Beautifully designed card Jules, a very elegant and stylish design, love it, Kate x

  17. Ok, I give in you have me totally baffled as to where it is hidden on this card! Love the way you have created the sentiment. A beautiful classy card. Hugs Mrs A.

  18. Hi Jules,
    A gorgeous CAS card and love the gold lettering.

    Sounds like my husband, just needs to hear me mention anything physical and he goes deaf!! He is lucky, as I do all the decorating. He just knows that he has the job of cleaning up after me. Well I can't do it all. He is 3 years younger than me too!!!

    Love and hugs,

  19. We will gain our extra hour this weekend. Not sure what I will do with my extra hour. Yep, you created a job for sure. lol Poor Mr. Heart-well sounds like it was time for the "out with the old and in with the new" project!! Oh my, this card is gorgeous Jules! I have an image very closely to yours. I need to print it and CASE your card! It is just beautiful! And of course you have colored up the leaves and berries so beautifully. Hugs, Brenda

  20. Oooo what a simply stunning CAS card and I need Mr Heart to put some wallpaper up for me too ;-), with my DT hat on, thanks for joining us at Octobers Rudolph Days Challenge, Luv Sam x

  21. Oh Jules, this is so elegant! I love the gold embossing and your design is just perfect!


    Di xx

  22. I'm so sorry I haven't commented for ages, Jules. I am trying to get organised and not just let one day slide into the next - maybe that way I'll remember what day of the week it is!

    Your CAS Christmas card is lovely, so elegant.

    Take care and stay well!

    love Mags B x

  23. I love this gorgeous card Jules, such a great example of Less Is More. Thank you for joining the Rudolph Days Challenge this month.

    Sue xx

  24. Isn't it funny how the men in your life go deaf when decorating is mentioned!! Hope you can persuade him to help you out!! This is a lovely card, very grown up and I think the gold embossing really makes it xx

  25. Such a beautifully elegant card! Happy Rudlof days xxx

  26. LOVE this pretty Christmas card.
    I loathe decorating too, so I'm with Mr G on this!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  27. Hi Jules,
    Happy Rudolf Days.
    Oh this card is gorgeous and what beautiful way to use up snippets also.
    Love the super design.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx