Wednesday 14 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your Wednesday has been good.

A mixed bag of weather here but we have managed to dodge the rain .. .. more by luck than anything!

As my remaining wedding work is all messed around at the moment I have been having more time to spend with Mr Heart and also to improve on my blog posting and visiting skills.  

One beautiful blog I have recently stumbled upon, quite by accident belongs to the lovely and very talented Claire who has a blog called String Bows .. .. .. and whilst having a nosey about "as you do" I stumbled upon this lovely card here and I simply had to add the stamp set into my collection as I can see it being useful for so many different occasions.  Lots and lots of different characters, elements and sentiments that you use to create a variety of wreaths.  

This is my first play:

This used:

Image and sentiment:  Tracey Hey "Rocking the Wreath"
Backing Papers:  From the snippet mountain
Memento Ink Pads
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today .. .. .. hope you are all well.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe as we see the second virus phase starting to take hold.  


  1. An adorable stamp,love the minimalist look of it,yet there is lots to see,beautiful layout and papers

  2. Trawling around blogs can be dangerous to the purse but I can see why you needed this gorgeous image. Now should I follow the link???? Have a good day

  3. A lovely card Jules and such a sweet image.
    Kath x

  4. A gorgeous card Jules,love the stamps you have used.
    Take care

  5. Adorable card Jules and I can see why you ‘had’ to have this cute image ...I’ve bought many a thing trawling through can be dangerous !

    Anne x

  6. Loving the shades of pink and green, a really great design and a lovely sweet image.

    Kath x

  7. Well firstly thank you so much for your kind words and linking my blog, bless you. Now I love the bunny swinging his legs, isn't it just too irresistible to resist. The delicate pinks are such a pretty touch and guess what... the set is laden with hearts. I look forward to seeing more and being inspired :) x

  8. Cute card and I like the colors that you used!

  9. A super card Jules, such an adorable stamp - I can see why you had to add it to your collection.
    Still bright and sunny down here, we are having some lovely brisk walks with the dogs at the moment - this is my kind of weather.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. A super cute bunny and I love the colour combo of pink and lime green x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx