Friday 20 November 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has gone well .. .. yet another weekend about to start.

Where are these weeks disappearing too?

Today .. .. and call me mad .. .. but as I don't have any Christmas weddings to complete .. .. .. I decided I would make ALL of my Christmas cards this year.  Something I have never done before.  

So this coming week is going to be dedicated to quick and simple Christmas cards that are nice and flat, full of love, and quick and simple to make (perhaps even simple enough to get Mr Heart involved LOL!! .. .. .. though I won't hold my breath as the kitchen decorating is still a never ending work in progress!

This is the first card I will be multiple making:

This used:

Image:  ATArtDigital "Gnome for the Holidays" (still on offer) and the full set (with an added heart) as used on this gnome I used here
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Paper:  LOTV "Cloudy Evening Skies"
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I put everything into Craft Artist 2, shaping the bottom edge of the sky background before adding the gnomes.  I was tempted to add die cut falling snowflakes and gems to the background but managed to convince myself that I would be on the slippery slope of making a "simple and quick" card too complicated.

Of course the only problem is if I make all my cards this year then I am making a rod for my own back as everyone will expect them every year going forward!  But part of me feels a handmade Christmas card is my way of showing folk just how special they are .. .. and how happy I am that they are still here for me to send a card to.

Anyway, this is my first quick and easy card.  Six more designs to go.

I won't start a discussion on whether we feel comfortable in having a COVID jab .. .. .. or shall I?


  1. A beautiful layout Jules,that must have satisfying to create and save for future use.Love your really festive gnomes.
    My hubby is brilliant at diy and woodwork but I think he would find cards fiddly,
    Have a great weekend,love Meg xx

  2. I've also set about making all of my Christmas cards this year too...and hoping that folks will appreciate the guesture.

    This is gorgeous, lovely design and great to see your trademark stitching xx

  3. Loving these gnomes and what a great idea to make ALL your cards!! I should use Craft Artist more I think, something else which has been a bit neglected here. Must admit to some apprehension about the Covid jab and more than a little concern about the relaxation of rules for Christmas. Is it really worth the risks involved for a few days of 'eat, drink and be merry'??? In the big scheme of things and on balance I think not. Sorry - off my soap box now 😉. Have a good weekend

  4. A gorgeous card Jules love those

  5. Cute Gnomies Jules - great card and good luck with the Christmas cardalanche!
    Jab Jury out here - although by the time they get round to little old me there may be more detailed info available? (Am hoping anyway!)
    Have a great weekend. x

  6. This is lovely, especially the cute gnomes, very on trend this year!
    I was going to say that his doesn't look quick and easy, until I read that you used craft artist. Have never used it before so will check it out.

    Covid jab? I am not sure either, think I will wait until the rush is over (if I have a choice), and see if there are any complications with those who have already had it.

    Take care, stay safe,

    Sheila x

  7. A super Christmas card Jules, those gnomes are so cute and your stitching is perfect as always - it certainly doesn't look quick and simple.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. A fab card. I used some left over bought Christmas cards this year and made the remainder. They are mostly CAS with the exception of close family. Happy crafting. Elaine

  9. Hi Jules...What a great idea to make all your cards and it will full up more of your you say folk might expect and handmade card next year as well.....The gnomes are adorable and you've created a lovely card

    enjoy the weekend


  10. A fabulous card Jules, love the little gnomes and your design. I've bought these gnomes but yet to do anything with them, but they are brilliant.
    I know what you mean about the vaccine, my hubby feels the same, and he's glad that he will not be in the first trench of people getting it. It's the fact that it's all too fast, when normally it takes years to make and then make safe, anyway we'll see how it goes, keep safe, Kate x

  11. Very nicely done Christmas card! I'm still working on my cards too. I got a late start this year...and I'm regretting not starting earlier. (My motivation is remembering how much I like receiving cards in the mail)

  12. won't regret it!! What a lovely design this is Jules and I am so envious that you can still use Craft Artist 2. Mine was installed on my old desk top PC that died a few years ago and My Craft Studio just isn't the same...never mind!! those little gnomes are so sweet!! I've not made my mind up about the Covid jab yet. We still have the 50-64 flu jabs (for all) to arrange at work following the other announcement last week...never a dull moment!! xx

  13. Love your gnomes...super cute and clever you with the background on serif. On the jab front..I have never heard of anyone dying because of a vaccination...but I have of Covid!! Hugs xx

  14. Really super images, a great background and sentiment. Got our first Christmas Card today..WHAT, I know they say post early for Christmas but thought this was ridiculous, only from a stones throw away too.

    Kath x

  15. And a rather splendid card it is too Jules. I love gnomes and this trio is totally full of Christmas cheer x

  16. What a fabulous design! I love gnomes and have gone a bit gnome mad with my Christmas cards since I saw Mo Manning's latest digis. I'd definitely have the Covid jab. I hit 60 earlier this year and I'm a teacher, so I'll take anything if it will keep me fit and healthy! Stay safe xx

  17. They are great fun!! Love it Jules.

    Just catching up with my blog!!

    Love and hugs,


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx