Friday 6 November 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has gone well .. .. and if not then I wish you a much better one tomorrow.

This evening I made a start on something I have had on my "one day I will have time to try" list for a few years now.  

The project isn't finished (must admit it takes longer than I envisaged) but I am sure you can already guess what I am hoping to turn it into.

I have a large carrier bag of old books in the back of a wardrobe which my lovely Daughter in Law passed my way when we stayed with them a few Christmases ago.  Normally I raid the bag and just tear out a few pages and work with those (once I have checked them for any dodgy words) .. .. .. but tonight a whole book is being used and if I like the finished result then a few more books might meet their doom in this manner too!

Hopefully all will be finished tomorrow.

I don't read books .. it isn't something I have ever enjoyed .. .. but I do like crafting with them.

Take care everyone, stay safe and I will catch you again soon.


  1. Can't wait to see your finished creation Jules

  2. Forgot to say I think it's a heart

  3. I reckon you could get into making more of this type of project and it is certainly a good use of 'past their sell by date' paper back books. I made quite a few items a couple of years ago and shared the idea with our little craft group which sadly is no longer able to meet. Look forward to seeing how you decorate the finished item. Have the best weekend you can.

  4. Book folding is something I keep meaning to try. Looking forward to seeing your finished creation. xx

  5. I've always meant to give this a go and never got around to it either. I have a friend who does beautiful book folding and has made both of my grandsons books with their names. Can't wait to see it finished.

    Sue xx

  6. I love using old books. I made several of these for a craft fair a few years ago and they just flew...also made a wreath using the pages....isn't if great you can recycle and they look amazing...

    Happy Saturday..


  7. Waiting with anticipation. I wonder what it could be?. Elaine

  8. I'm sure it is time consuming Jules, I look forward to seeing the completed project.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Oh cant wait to see it finished i must say that is on my to try list too and no i dont read dont have time lol unless on holiday.
    Have a good weekend and stay safe

  10. Wow, it looks beautiful already, I guess it will become a Christmas tree. I have always loved reading, but don't have much time now. I also have some old books, to use for cards. All the best, both our countries are in lockdown now. Stay safe ! Enny

  11. I can't wait see how you finish this project!
    (to me, it looks like it's going to be a Christmas tree.

    In the past, I have saved old books to make altered books,
    and my crafting buddy actually hollowed out the inside of a book to make it into box for storage. (That's one project I did NOT attempt to do, it took her a very long time to do that! But it really did turn out quite nice!

    Me, I am a reader...This year when I finish my next book...I will have completed my goal for the year at "Good Reads" (where I log the books I have read). This year's goal was to read 75 books and I just finished #74.
    My reading has taken a back seat lately, to finish my Christmas cards. I watch very little TV. I would rather read!

  12. Ohh looking forward to seeing your make. I would have my head in a book all the time if I wasn't crafting!!! I have thought about book folding but like you never got round to it.... yet!!! Stay Safe, Hazelxx

  13. Oh I can't imagine not reading a book, I don't think I could live in a world without books, but I certainly couldn't fold pages to make something wonderful, would this be a heart maybe....? I'm looking forward to see the finished make, Kate x

  14. This is going to look amazing!! I have a cd rom with paper folding patterns that I have never used.You have inspired me!! xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx