Wednesday 23 December 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your week and prelude to Santa Time is going well.

A while ago, whilst in Christmas mode I made a collection of quick cards .. .. this was my favourite of them all and I made quite a few of them .. .. and not just these here .. .. I made LOTS!!

I enjoyed making them so much that I just know there will be quite a few similar non-Christmas ones in the pipeline.

Here is one which I made yesterday:

This used:

Image:  A magazine cover gift from way back when
Sentiment:  Crafter's Companion
Backing paper:  From the Snippet Box
Distress Ink:  Victorian Velvet
Spellbinder Dies:  Classic Oval and Scalloped Oval
X-Cut:  Flower Punch
Black Pearl
My Trusty Sewing Machine

So today is a "lock myself in" day so I can attack the house with the help of my favourite male cleaning companions .. .. Mr Dyson, Mr Sheen, Mr Muscle and Mr Heart (if I am lucky)!

A bit of wrapping to do and then for the first time ever I won't be doing any on Christmas Eve .  

There have been no last minute Christmas cards to make either.  Doing all those cards throughout the year has really helped and Christmas Eve will hopefully be super relaxing (although it does involve taking Mum for the first of her two COVID vaccine jabs!).

Enjoy your day everyone.


  1. Two beautiful cards Jules, both wonderful colours and stamping. Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing christmas. All the best to your Mum too xx

  2. Wonderful cards Jules and you've still stitched all those Christmas cards with your machine. You must be really quick at it. I'm trying to clean today too so not so much to do tomorrow. I always leave the kitchen floor till last though, especially in this weather with two dogs, so that will be tomorrow. Have a good Christmas x

  3. Wow - what a lot of Christmas cards. Today's one is lovely as well and it would appear this is a good technique for lots of occasions. Enjoy your relaxed Christmas Eve.

  4. Another stunning card from you Jules. It's a lovely idea and layout. No wonder you've decided to do another version.

    Wishing you a Happy Yuletide. Chocolate dipped sprouts are definitely the way forward! LOL!

    Have a good one.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  5. Beautiful cards. You are certainly inspiring me to try to do some cards along this line. (Of course, mine won't be a pretty as your super cards!)

  6. Very classy cards, great images and love the design. Hope you have a really lovely Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year.

    Kath x

  7. These are gorgeous Jules - love the design, it works so well,.
    Enjoy your relaxing Christmas Eve and have a wonderful Christmas.
    Stay safe
    Lorraine x

  8. Your batch makes are beautiful Jules,love the stamp background and layout,the layout works well for the beautiful stamping on the Thinking of You card.Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year. Meg xx

  9. Hi Jules,

    Love your designs for your Christmas cards. Right up my street!! Also your Thinking of You card. I do a similar design for some of the cards I supply the Care Homes with.

    I haven't been in the homes. I just go into the foyer and swap my stands over with one of the carers.

    I cleaned the house today. I do all the dusting, cleaning and Hubby puts the Dyson around.

    You can put your feet up tomorrow!!

    Stay safe,
    Love and hugs,

  10. Lovely cards Jules.
    Wishing you and Mr Heart a Happy Christmas. xx

  11. Stunning cards as ever Jules...a fabulous design and one you seem to have managed to adapt to non Christmas cards which is a bonus. Well nothing has seemed real this year and Christmas is no exception, most certainly 2020 is one for the history books. Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to you makes next year. xx

  12. Gorgeous Christmas cards Jules, such a lovely design and your Thinking of You card is so pretty, lovely design too.
    I hope all goes well with your mun having her injection. Have a well earned relaxing evening, have a lovely Christmas, Kate x

  13. Popping by to say Merry Christmas. Stay safe and warm. I love all of these. They are simple and elegant and beautiful. Must try this at home. x

  14. Lovely cards Jules and I wish you and yours a peaceful and happy Christmas, stay safe x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx