Friday 4 December 2020


Hi Everyone

Well this week has been flying by and I'm wishing it would slow down a little.  

So much I am wanting to get done .. .. and for some reason the busier I am the more I want to do .. .. which means more and more keeps getting added to my crafty list.  I find being busy quite exciting and a real motivator.

Christmas is still on the crafty list and this is today's offering:

This used:

Image:  2009 S.Ent. Ltd "The Snowman". (Another stamp that is years and years old .. .. yet I can remember buying it like it was yesterday from Dunelm .. .. when it used to have a craft department)
Backing Papers:  A mish mash from my snippet mountain
Sentiment:  Woodware Clear Magic Singles "FRS771" Merry & Bright
Tumbled Glass Distress Ink
My Trusty Sewing Machine

The image was cut out and attached to the card front using foam pads.

Today's card actually fits into three challenges:

Pixie's Snippets Playground Challenge where we are encouraged to use up our snippets .. .. .. everything here, other than the card base came from my snippet mountain.  Even the scrap of white card I stamped the image onto. 

This is a brilliant challenge and one where there is lots of friendship and fun .. .. .. Di (the lovely lady who runs the challenge) works really hard on the challenge and her numbers have been steadily increasing.  It would be great if we could get her to the magical 500 followers as a Christmas reward.

The Christmas Kickstart Challenge where the theme is "Twas the Night Before Christmas" - which means they want to see anything that might happen on Christmas Eve or you can take inspiration from the poem itself.  For me Christmas Eve is "The Snowman" film.  I love it.

The As You Like It Challenge where they want your card to showcase your favourite Christmas film and you need to say why.  For me this film marks the start of Christmas and it usually plays on my favourite day of Christmas.  Christmas Eve!  

So that is me for today.

I'll catch you again soon.


  1. A brilliant card,loved watching the Snowmen with my boys when they were young,thanks for bringing back such happy memories

  2. Lovely card Jules and love your cute snowman image...I remember Dunelm craft section that’s been gone a long time.. have a good Friday


  3. What a beautiful card, and the stamp is wonderful ! I remember seeing "The snowman" on TV, such a lovely story ! Yes, I'm very busy too, trying to get the Christmas post ready, and the house ready for Christmas as well. Time is flying, and still so much to do... Hugs,Enny

  4. Didn't realise there was an actual 'snowman' stamp. Great card and love the stitched trees. Clever use of some of your snippets here. It would be lovely if Di could reach her followers target because as you say she works very hard on our behalf. If I could follow twice I would 😉😉

  5. This is just joyful! What a gorgeous card. I love that scene so much, Jules. Thanks for playing at Christmas Kickstart again, Jo x

  6. A fab stamp and beautful design. Elaine

  7. Absolutely gorgeous card Jules, you've placed the wonderful characters in such a pretty scene, just love it Kate x x

  8. Ahh I remember it well!..The Snowman....Love that film and your card is lovely a good reminder of that scene in the film. Dunelm craft where did that go?...remember that too. Gee I must be getting old, all these memories! I like how you have used the triangles for trees and used all your snippets...well some no doubt...on your card. xx

  9. A super card Jules, a fabulous stamp and a great way to use up some of your snippets. I can't remember our Dunelm ever having a craft department!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. What a fabulous happy image, great design and dies.

    Kath x

  11. Ahhh this is super, what a cute make, I love The Snowman, always makes me cry!!! Im like you with being busy but my motivation has vanished!!Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Hazel xx

  12. Oh what a lovely card Jules. Really cheerful.

    If you find time, I've got a little something to warm you up behind the Playground Bike Sheds!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  13. Those stitched trees look amazing Jules, as does the rest of your wonderful scene!! Lovely to see you at AYLI!! xx

  14. Fabulous card! It will put whoever receives this card in such a "Happy" mood for Christmas!

  15. Hi Jules! What a fabulous card this is - so realistic and as always beautifully made. One of my favourite films too! Thank you for you kind words, I suspect I may never reach the magical 500 followers though. But thanks for trying. Hope plans are in place for your Christmas without any problems.

    Love and Hugs

    Di xx

  16. Stunning card, Jules. That stamp is gorgeous and I love the christmas trees. Thank you for joining us at As You Like It. xx Wilma

  17. Thanks for joining in the Christmas Kickstart Challenge, and thanks for stopping by my blog, lovely to see you and your gorgeous cards again! Liz(guest elf) xx

  18. Jules this is just gorgeous. I love the scene you've created and those stitched Christmas trees look fab. A brilliant film choice too.

    Thanks for joining our challenge at As You Like It this time.
    Lorraine x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx