Saturday 2 January 2021


Hi Everyone

Last year (2020) I took part in quite a few challenges to increase my stock of Christmas cards throughout the year.  Come December I was so pleased I had as it made the run up to the "big day" far less stressful than in previous years.  So lovely to have a box all ready for sending.

One of the challenges I entered throughout the year was Hazel's Festive Frolics Challenge and to round the challenge year off we are being asked to post our Favourite 5 makes.

I really enjoyed this challenge and managed to enter quite a few times.  These were my favourite five:

and of course this last one has to feature 
because it was my favourite Christmas make of 2020

So that is my post for today.

Once again I had the chance for a long lie in this morning .. .. .. but as always I was keen to start the day and got up early!  Stupid really because I only end up creeping about so I don't wake Mr Heart up. 

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend.


  1. A wonderful selection of cards, Jules. xx

  2. Such a great series but my favourite is nr 1, sorry that's the child in me ;-)
    xx Annie

  3. A beautiful selection Jules,

  4. A brilliant collection of cards, bet you had a hard job whittling down to five.

    Kath x

  5. What a beautiful selection, Jules! I always enjoy seeing your cards so much. Happy New Year, Jo x

  6. I love your cards they are so pretty!

  7. What a great idea. A fabulous array of festive designs

  8. Great to re-visit these lovely cards. Making seasonal cards through the year is certainly a good idea although I've put my Christmas bits and pieces away - but ready to hand if inspiration strikes!

  9. They are all gorgeous Jules. I love your style.
    Lorraine x

  10. A lovely collection of Christmas cards Jules, I don't know how you managed to pick just five favourites!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  11. Five gorgeous cards Jules.... all fabulous designs but my favourite has to be the super reindeer. Best wishes for 2021 xx

  12. Wow Jules, those cards are absolutely adorable ! And yes, I was glad to have made Christmas cards in advance, December is always busy and goes by so fast.
    Thanks very much for your wishes on my blog, I wish you and your family (especially your Mother) a wonderful and healthy 2021 ! Love, Enny

  13. Happy New Year Jules, and absolutely gorgeous cards, all so fabulously designed and coloured, I couldn't pick a favourite, love them all, Kate x

  14. Fantastic five Jules, love the humour on the first but my favourite is the wreath, its so elegant and classy.

    I hope you've had a peaceful and pleasant Christmas and here's to a crafty New Year xx

  15. Such a treat to see this gorgeous collection of cards again. Love them all but if I had to choose, I'd say nos 3 and 5 are my faves xx

  16. Ahhh your cards are all stunning, I cant pick any as a fav cause I love them all!!! Im like you and up early these last few days, I just cant settle. Hope all is well with you, thanks for sharing your makes with me all year over on Fezziwigs, its been great to see them all, Love Hazel xx

  17. I don't know how I missed seeing all these fabulous cards...Every one is a treasure!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx