Thursday 7 January 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all well and coping with the way the world is at the moment.

Yesterday saw us put Christmas back into the roof .. .. boo hoo .. .. everywhere is now looking very bare and dull.  Sigh!!

So to cheer myself up I created my first new sketch for 2021  -  Sketch Fifty One

and I used it to create this:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2863J" Lovin' & Huggin'
Sentiment:  Clearly Besotted "CBSSP649" Speaking Out
Backing Papers:  First Edition Paper "Rose Garden"
Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I also spent some time searching until I found the YouTube video which inspired me to make Tuesday's card.  I got so many lovely comments and emails about it that it didn't feel right not to find the lady who shared her video in the first place .. .. and here it is

Just copy and paste this into your browser,  watch (or skip) a couple of adverts and then Natasha will take you through everything.

So that is me for today.  

I am off to link up to the Penny Black Saturday Challenge where the theme is always "anything goes" and this month it has an optional theme of "something new".   So that will be my "new sketch".

If you would like to see my other sketches there is a tab at the top of my blog called "my sketch vault" .. .. .. if you want to use any of them then please feel free to do so.

Enjoy the rest of your day.  Hope you can find some crafty time and mojo ... ... which lots of folk are currently saying has gone on walkabouts!  Must be a sign of the times.

Take care and stay safe.


  1. Love your card. The paper combo and stitching is beautiful. Elaine

  2. Nice to see your sketches appearing again Jules...and thank you for the link, must take a peek at that. Lovely card, pretty papers and cute image and the burst of yellow reminds me of spring.xx

  3. Great card and a super new sketch - might give it a try when I get to play with my stash. Thanks for sharing

  4. Another beautiful card, Jules, stay safe, Jo x

  5. A real cutie Jules, lovely image and card design, love the colours and the background papers, Kate x

  6. Ah this is super, what a great card and super sketch. Might try to use it to find my missing mojo. Its gone with all the decorations!!! Boooo!!! Hope you are staying safe and well, Hazelx

  7. A beautiful card Jules, I love the backing papers you've used.

    Sue xx

  8. Love your gorgeous card Jules, I agree with how bare the house looks when the tree and all the decs go

  9. A gorgeous card Jules and such a sweet Penny Black stamp. Love the sketch.
    Lorraine x

  10. A beautiful card with a gorgeous Penny Black stamped image,love the new sketch,stay safe Meg xx

  11. A really great sketch and a super card,.

    Kath x

  12. Hi Jules,

    A brilliant sketch and love the image. I thought I recognised the backing paper and I have that paper pad too.

    I was sad when all the decorations and the tree, went in their boxes and back into the loft. The rooms look boring and with the weather dark and miserable, constant rain, it felt very dull.

    So I am having fun with my Needle Felting, making animals and fairies. Well that is what they are supposed!!

    Stay safe and keep well.
    Love and big hugs,

  13. Beautiful card, Jules. The image is adorable and I love the layout of your design. xx

  14. A super card Jules and a fabulous sketch, thank you for sharing.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  15. A lovely sketch and you've made a gorgeous card with it. Thank you for sharing your sketches xx

  16. What a great sketch chosen for this fun card! I just love the papers and colors you chose to put this together, and that darling image just quacks me up! Well done! Even though all the decorations have come down, I hope you had a great Christmas and will have a better 2021 than the previous year. Thanks for all the love you share with your comments - it means a lot :)

  17. You are ahead of me on the Christmas decor being put away Jules. I will be doing that this weekend. It does look empty after we take down the decor. But I will go right into Valentines, so that will help. Look at you, another sketch! And a fabulous one at that!! Love how your card turned out with this sketch. Love the papers you used and of course that cute image, you have colored him up so cute! Love his speech bubble, it just makes me smile and God knows we need reasons to smile these days. Hugs, Brenda

  18. Wonderful card. Hope all is well. Anesha

  19. Love,love,love this card but oh me, my eyes are out on stalks and i still can't spot it. hugs Mrs A.

  20. Beautiful card, and great sketch!

  21. Another lovely card and I love this sketch. Great that you make sketches too I think I'll take a look and maybe use one.
    Xx Annie

  22. Fabulous card - love the stitching!
    Thanks for playing at the Penny Black Saturday Challenge!
    Helen x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx