Friday 12 March 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has gone well.  

I took Mum for her second Covid vaccination today .. .. so we are one step nearer to being able to take her out and about again one day.. .. .. .. once everywhere is safe to be opened up of course and I have had my second vaccine.  I must admit it is going to feel very strange and scary when we are told we are free.  I wonder if we will still have to wear our facemasks?!?!?

Anyway, my share for today is for taking over to Fezziwig's Festive Frolics Challenge where the theme for this fortnight is Vintage.  I have had my image stamped out for a few days now, but haven't had chance to turn it into a card until this evening.

So here we go:

This used:  

Image:  Stampendous "Snowy Postcard"
Backing Papers:  Papermania "A Silent Night" (a very old paper collection - I loved the holly paper in the pack so much that I bought another two packs in the post Christmas sale .. .. again all the holly paper has been used but I still have lots of other designs to work my way through)
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine

In the past I have only used this image on a square card base.  Must admit I think I prefer it on a rectangular card.

Many thanks for your lovely comments on my stampbord creation of earlier this week.  I am looking forward to seeing if any of you fellow stampbord hoarders break yours out for a play too.  Please let me know if you do.  I would love to see what you do with yours!

Enjoy your weekend everyone.  


  1. A fabulous vintage image and card,you must be so pleased that num has had her second vaccination,take care Meg x

  2. Who doesn't love a bit of vintage especially for Christmas cards. This is such a lovely card. You are right I think there will be a lot of people still scared to venture out even when we are allowed. I've become quite used to my 'hermit' existence which is perhaps a bit scary in itself!! Enjoy your weekend

  3. Beautiful vintage card Jules looks great on a both square or rectangle card....
    Hope you’ve got sunshine like us this morning, have a good weekend


  4. Wow, what a beautiful card and a beautiful stamp ! Yes, it looks very good on a rectangular card ! I'm so glad that your mother is safe now, and you almost. It will feel very strange, when we are allowed to "live" free, without masks. Here in Belgium, it will take quite a while, because we're still waiting for our first vaccine.... we hardly get any deliveries... Have a nice weekend ! Enny

  5. A gorgeous card Jules. Love the stamp, I like it on the rectangle too. Must dig mine out and get cracking with some Christmas cards.
    I have my first vaccine later today...bit nervous! They seem to be getting through people really quickly here. (At 52, I wasn't expecting to get mine for a while yet!!)
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  6. So glad that both you and your Mum have had both vaccines Jules. I had my first yesterday, so far so good. I love this gorgeous card, the stamp is one of my favourites and normally comes out every couple of years.

    Sue xx

  7. This is just stunning, Jules! Jo x

  8. You know I have this stamp - somewhere! I used it to death when I first got it and now haven't seen it for a while and have no idea which box/drawer etc it's in - but now I am going to have to find it!
    The monochrome glittery look with just the pop of colour is gorgeous Jules - and I too think it looks best on a rectangle! x

  9. A beautiful Christmas card Jules, a fabulous stamp and it certainly does look great on a rectangular card.
    Good news about your Mum's second Covid jab, Hubby has his first booked for next week.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. This is lovely! I'm happy for you that you were able to get your vacinne. In our area it's very slow going. Hubby and I are signed up and have been for a while now...but no appointment time yet.

  11. A super vintage card. Glad your Mum has had her second jab. My MIL had her second jab 2 weeks ago so we are waiting till we have had our second before getting in to visit her at the home. I think it will be very strange getting back out and about again, becomng a bit of a recluse! Keep safe.

  12. Oh this is super, what a beautiful make, I love the image, its so pretty. Glad your Mum has had her second jab. Moving ever closer to our new normal!!! Off to have a peep at the other makes you have been doing, no idea where the days go here!! Thanks for sharing with me over on Fezziwigs, Hazel xx

  13. Superb...what more can I say? Love this. I have a similar if not the same stamp lurking somewhere in the depths of my craft room,. xx

  14. Hi Jules,

    Love the vintage image and a brilliant card design. Great detail with holly leaves and berries coloured.

    Pleased to hear you both have had your second jabs. We don't have our second ones until May. They will call us when they want us.

    Looking forward to having some freedom.

    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  15. Absolutely gorgeous!! And is that "Canada" I see below the little heart? (:

  16. Hi Jules, this is a gorgeous image and card, love the mono shades and design.
    Brilliant you Mum has had her 2nd jab. I think that we will have to wear our facemasks for a while yet.
    I have a deep horror of Johnston opening up foreign travel and us all going back to square one, as not everyone in the world will have been vaccinated, and there is always some wee obscure country that no one has ever heard of, but someone from the UK will work there and bring the virus back. With that and that there will be a flood gate open to the Highlands as everyone wants to come to Scotland, just terrifies me. these are my thoughts what what they're worth, so keep safe, Kate x

  17. Love your card Jules ...I have this one ...not used for a long time .... must get it out always amaxe me with your cards ....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  18. So glad to hear your mum has her second Covid vaccination Jules, now I will be happy when you have your second one. We are still required to wear our masks even if we have both vaccines but am hoping by the end of summer we won't have to anymore. But sounds like a shot will be require yearly as Covid keeps mutating every two weeks.

    Your vintage card is beautiful Jules, I have always loved this stamp although I know I'd never be able to do it justice like you have, so sadly it isn't in my stash. Your card is just beautiful! Hugs, Brenda

  19. I think I am going to be a bit reluctant to stop wearing my face masks, it is too terrifying!! We have had very few patients with colds or chest infections this winter so they must have done some good. This card is lovely and you are quite right, that stamp looks great on a rectangle instead of a square. I have that stamp somewhere...must dig it out!! xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx