Tuesday 13 April 2021


Hi Everyone

Well all this sunshine we have been having (in-between the snow showers) has woken up the pesky dandelions!  Mr Heart's least favourite flower.

He tries so hard to remove each and every one of them from our garden .. .. but of course once they are in full bloom in other people's gardens the seeds blow across like confetti in the air .. .. and he's never happy about that.

But once "I" see my first dandelion then I immediately think of one particular stamp in my collection and simply have to colour it up .. .. this one .. .. ..

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2070K" Frequent Flyer
Sentiment:  LOTV "Simply Cute Sentiments"
Backing Papers:  Nitwit Collection "Cherish"
Stamper's Anonymous Layering Stencil "THS032" Flourish
Distress Ink:  Tumbled Glass
Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles
Glossy Accents
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and the latest new sketch from my rectangular sketch library.

My rectangular sketches are very sparse at the moment .. .. but I am enjoying building the collection up.  You will find them, along with my square sketches, at the top of my blog.  Feel free to use them if any of them take your fancy.

Catch you again soon.


  1. Hedgie obviously loves his dandelion, he looks as though he's dancing with joy,you've teamed him with gorgeous papers and stencilling Jules,a beautiful card.
    Hope all is well with you and yours

  2. Oh my! This is awesome! Love everything about it!! I have to lift this card, ok?
    Wish you a fabulous week! Warm hugs from winterland!

  3. A fabulous new layout sketch and such an adorable image even if he is scattering dandelion seeds to the four winds!!

  4. A fabulous card Jules and another lovely sketch too. If we took all the weeds out of our back lawn there wouldn't be any green left!
    Kath x

  5. Aww he's a cutie, I love the stencilled background as the swirls remind me of blowing the dandelion clock away. Strange how we all view them as pesky weeds in the garden yet very designer in crafting and home decor... sweet card that evokes memories :) x

  6. Gorgeous card, Jules! Mr Pudding's least favourite flower is the daisy! Jo x

  7. Such a fabulous card Jules and I love the sketch too.

    Sue xx

  8. Super card Jules...cute image and as usual you have coloured it so well. I remember blowing dandelions as a kid...to tell the time! ..lol Lovely sketch to add to your 'long 'ones too! xx

  9. A super card Jules, a lovely stamp - so cute.
    My youngest son walked into my greenhouse with a dandelion clock in his hand, just about to blow it - I nearly had heart failure but hubby managed to get him out just in time!.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. You've made a really cute card....and a great sketch!

  11. Wow, such a lovely card, very cute stamp and beautiful paper and yes, the dandelion seeds fly everywhere ! Still cold and grey weather here, but next Monday, I'll get my first vaccination, hooray ! Hugs, Enny

  12. Love the sketch on your card Jules and your PB image is adorable....I can remember picking and blowing dandelion heads when we were young..


  13. What a fun card patterned after this sketch! Love the stenciled background and cute hedgie! Dandelions are impossible to eliminate unfortunately, but they do look great on cards :)

  14. Brilliant card, Jules. Love the layout of the design and the image is just adorable. xx

  15. A beautiful card Jules, I love the image and your layout, lovely colours too, Kate x

  16. This is absolutely lovely Jules, love your hedgy and pretty papers, might have to have a play with the sketch too.
    Anne x

  17. A really super image with a great background, lovely to see a PB stamp as they don't seem to be used that much these days.

    Kath x

  18. Such a beautiful card! The dandelions are just starting to flower here so the seeds won't be long!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx