Wednesday 28 April 2021


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you are going to have a good day.  

I woke up early convinced that it was Thursday today .. .. so I now feel like I have a whole extra day in my week!  LOL!!  I am definitely going to make the most of it.  Lots and lots on my list that I am hoping to accomplish before bedtime.

Today I am sharing a teeny, tiny card. 

I haven't made any of these for a while and my stock of them is starting to dwindle.  For anyone new to my blog they are a whole 3.5 inches square and are perfect for using up those small pieces of card and paper that we just can't bear to part with.  Even the envelope only needs a 6" square of paper.

This used:

Image:  Stampin' Up!  "Jar of Love" plus matching die set
Sentiment:  Verve Stamps "Thankful Hearts"
Backing Papers:  GCD Studios "Ella Blue"  
Go Kreate Die:  Frilly Square #3
X-Cut Punch:  Tiny Butterfly (very old, but very useful)
Memento Dewdrop Ink Pads
Distress Ink Pad:  Tumbled Glass
Teeny tiny pearls for a Teeny Tiny Card
We are Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board
(Shock horror .. .. .. no sewing machine).

So that is me for now.

Off now to make the most of the rest of the day .. .. .. and hopefully this evening I will have chance to catch up with my blog visiting as I am a little behind with that.  Sorry folks :-(


  1. Such a lovely tiny card, and indeed great to use snippets ! Yes, I sometimes wonder what day it is, time goes by so fast ! Hugs, Enny

  2. Love these tiny cards and as you say great for using up small bits and pieces. Great colours on this one. Enjoy your 'extra' day!!

  3. Love these tiny cards and as you say great for using up small bits and pieces. Great colours on this one. Enjoy your 'extra' day!!

  4. A lovely card Jules and it would be a great way to use up snippets of paper too.
    Kath x

  5. You're teeny tiny cards always bring a smaile to my face Jules and this one hits the mark again. Such a beautiful card.

    Sue xx

  6. Ahhh I love this Teeny Tiny make, those colours are super. Ive been similar with the lack of blog comments of late!! The weeks are just running away from me!! H xx

  7. Beautiful paper strips and focal sentiment and floral embellishments,a gorgeous card

  8. This is lovely Jules, the diagonal strips of paper are a lovely combo and what a lovely stamped topper. Hope you used your extra day wisely!! xx

  9. I love the colour pallet on your very beautiful tiny card Jules, such a pretty floral image too, Kate x

  10. Hi Jules,

    Gorgeous little card and love all the pretty papers. Perfect for the beautiful flowers.

    Now Jules, tomorrow is Thursday, followed closely by the Friday!!!Lol!! Then you have the weekend!! Just to fool you again Jules, Monday is a Bank Holiday!! Hee!! Hee!

    Hope you are keeping well.
    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  11. Lovely card, Jules. A perfect design for using up those little snippets. xx

  12. Super pretty layers, colors and design.

    I joined your blog, which I thought I already did, I am getting old.

    Hugs diane

  13. These tiny makes of yours are great....think I'm gonna have to play!
    Hugs Shell xx

  14. A pretty card Jules, lots of lovely snippets of paper and sweet sentiment.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  15. Great use of snippets Jules and a lovely topper that you have created. It all goes so well together. xx

  16. Love it. Fabulous style and gorgeous colours on here too... have a great weekend. ♥

  17. lovely card...I need to do this and use some of the dp I have.
    xx Karen

  18. A gorgeous card Jules, love those papers and the fab design
    Lorraine x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx