Friday 23 July 2021


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!  Nearly the weekend .. .. .. .. yet again!!!  Where are these weeks disappearing too?

Here today to share a quick card which uses one of the images I have enjoyed colouring whilst sitting in the garden.  I don't think I have ever had so many images coloured up and "ready to go".  

Every year I promise myself that I will sit and enjoy the garden and the fresh air more .. .. .. and every year summer comes and goes and all I have ever done is "physically" garden .. .. .. but not this year.  

At last I have learnt to enjoy my garden in a different and more relaxing way.  It hasn't been a case of just digging and weeding ... ... ... though I have had to do that as well!  LOL!!

Anyway, let me introduce you to Baalamb .. .. :

This used:

Image:  Woodware "JGS768" Fuzzy Friends - Baalamb
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font Aracne Condensed Regular
Backing Papers:  From the snippet box .. .. all I know is it came from a Nitwits Collection
X-Cut Corner Rounding Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine

Isn't it just the most fun image?  Perfect for filling the front of a 14.5cm square card all on its own.

So it is nearly time for me to head off to Mum.  Friday is our laundry and cleaning day .. .. .. though today making a batch of peanut brittle is also on the cards. 

Mum really fancied some a while back and we have looked in every shop and supermarket over the last few weeks and haven't been able to find any.  I felt sorry for her, so decided I would have a go at trying to make her some myself.  She loved it .. .. .. so I am guessing this may become another part of our routine now.  LOL!!!

I know that looks like a huge glass of gin and tonic on the left .. .. but it is just cold water with ice in that I used to test my toffee was going to set  ... ... honestly guv!

So that is me for today.

Enjoy your day and your weekend .. .. whatever you are doing.


  1. Your fluffy sheep is a cutie,love the flowers.Much cooler here today,far better for going out,and yes my tree card was similar to looking out the kitchen window in our old house.

  2. That certainly is one amazingly fuzzy sheep, such a fun image and beautifully coloured. Enjoy your peanut brittle

  3. Gosh I've not tasted peanut brittle in ages, used to love it, and yours looks fabulous.
    Love your sweet card, a super image and great colouring, Kate x

  4. Love this cute sheep. Took ages to spot the hearts. lol Sure, I belive you aobut the glass. lol Anesha x

  5. We always referred to sheep as baalambs when we were little so this lovely card makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!! What a brilliant stamp and I love the colours you chose Jules. That peanut brittle looks amazing and I bet it tastes a whole lot better than shop bought. I tried Nigellas coffee ice cream during the week....amazing and only three ingredients!! Go on google it!! Have a good weekend xx

  6. Oh how I love this happy made me smile. Not seen this woodware one! Fab colouring and of course the sentiment so apt.Super card! That peanut brittle looks lovely too. Is there no end to your talents? xx

  7. Hi Jules,

    Love the image and beautiful colouring. Great design and love the fun sentiment.

    I promised myself I would spend more time in the garden and not just working, as I have done for the last few weeks. I have asked for my swing seat to be brought out of the garage and put in it's place. I am still waiting !! I also would like the big table and chairs brought out too. Men!!!!

    Going to try again tomorrow!!

    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  8. A super card Jules, such a fun image and lovely pale blues.
    I'm glad you are managing to enjoy your garden this year, I have been sitting in ours and reading a lot over the past few days, it's so hot there is not much else I can do!
    Your peanut brittle looks yummy, it's good to spoil your Mum a bit, I bet she loved it - I'll believe you about the water, just this once.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Fabulous card, Jules. I love the adorable sheep and I think I may just have to add that stamp to my collection! Your peanut brittle looks amazing. xx

  10. Love your gorgeous Baa Lamb Jules , such a gorgeous card.... I think we are all finding more time this year to spend in our gardens. Hope you and the family are all

  11. He's beautiful, I do miss going to the craft fairs p&p charges amount up, could be another stamp!

  12. He's beautiful if I miss going to craft fairs, p&charges mount up and I could buy a other stamp!

  13. Oh my gosh that image is so super cute and I love the softness of the colors too. And that toffee looks amazing. I once tried to make toffee....once. LOL!

  14. Oh, what a wonderful card, such a cute sheep, and lovely colouring ! I didn't take much time to sit in the garden, I always see "jobs" to do... :)) Your peanut brittle looks delicious, so nice for your Mum ! Hugs, Enny

  15. I love your card and the wonderful image that you've used for it. It's been far to hot to be gardening this past week, sitting and colouring is a far better idea. Your tray of peanet brittle looves lovely, glad it was a hit with Mum.

    Sue xx

  16. A fabulous card and delicious peanut brittle. Glad your mum liked it, so much better when homemade. Keep safe. Elaine

  17. What a fun card design and sentiment. Love the peanut brittle.

    Hugs diane

  18. What a cute card Jules! I am loving that sweet image, this little one is so cute and perfect for a square card front. Love how colored this sweetie in too. Glad you are getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor and coloring in the garden. Summer is made to enjoy as well as work in the garden cause as we know, weeds grow no matter what! lol Oh boy, that peanut brittle looks so yummy! I haven't made peanut brittle in years! Glad your mum enjoyed it. Hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx