Friday 16 July 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your week has been going well ... ... and you have seen some summer sunshine!

Lots of re-organising and gardening has been happening here, which hasn't resulted in anything to share on my blog, but I did find a little bit of time today to make this:

This used:

Image:  GCR Designs: Wine Definition
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Paper:  JAnnB Designs Cork Papers
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is all! 

So now you know the definition of wine please don't get all your nutritional "5 a day" from a wine bottle .. .. .. as nice as that might sound you will more than likely end up with a BIG headache!  LOL!!

Take care everyone.

Hopefully catch you again soon.


  1. A brilliant image Jules,love your sentiment and backing paper. Fantastic weather here,almost too hot to do much outside

  2. This is fabulous Jules, I love the image, I can think of many people I could use this for.
    I think it might be a bit hot for the garden this weekend!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. Great card and good to know that wine counts as one of our 5-a-day - much prefer real fruit though

  4. A gorgeous card Jules,love the

  5. Love that sentiment, Jules! xx

  6. Brilliant card Jules, I'm going to have to buy this one as I know so many people I could send it to...myself I don't drink...only a nice cup of tea or coffee.
    Have a great weekend


  7. Fabulous card the sentiment..I know a lot of people that would love to adopt that as a good excuse to just have one! This would be a good card for either gender and I love the glass stain on the sentiment. xx

  8. A lovely card Jules, a card that can be used for both men and women. Have a great weekend!

    Debbie x

  9. I know a few people I could send this card too!. Lovely CAS and super image. Elaine

  10. What a fabulous card Jules, I love the topper and the backing paper, super design too, Kate x

  11. Such education Jules!! What a fabulous card. Yes we have sunshine in Dorset and a very nice breeze with it too, so it's been a very pleasant day xx

  12. Perfect for me today….my birthday!

    Sally xx

  13. Hi Jules,

    Super card and love the image. The sentiment is brilliant.

    I have been working in the garden for a few days myself. Got a lot done but still a few bits to do. Even managed to get husband to dead head the roses in the front garden and I did the back garden. Just waiting for the gardener to come and cut the grass, as it's 4 weeks now since he did it!!

    Got my first Craft Fair Sunday week. I have been through all 12 of my stock boxes, to make sure they were ok. Looking forward to meeting some of my crafty friends too.

    sister on the mend and hopes to get home next week, They are arranging carers for her and her husband.

    Love and hugs,
    Carol XXXX

  14. I love it!!!! what a great card and brilliant sentiment too xxx

  15. Great image, I could totally see using that for a card of two for my aunt and sister. I love the light coloring of it too so that the coloring did not take a way from the image.

  16. We've had a sun, clouds and a little bit of rain. But the temps have been in the high 90's, so hot, hot, hot. Being stuck inside, I'm in the air conn thankfully. Glad you are enjoying the garden and sunshine! I LOVE this card Jules! That image is fabulous!!! I love your computer generated sentiment too. Love this card, so fun, so great for a wine lover. Hugs, Brenda

  17. Wow, a fantastic card, and such a funny education ! Today we have sunshine, but the last 2 days terrible floods in the east of Belgium, houses destroyed and many casualties... Hugs, Enny

  18. Just what's needed, a nice glass of wine and sitting under the umbella in the shade. A wonderful card, I love it.

    Sue xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx