Tuesday 31 August 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your Tuesday has gone well.

Definitely a big drop in temperature here today.  Yesterday I was wearing a sleeveless top and today I am wearing a T-shirt with a jumper on top!  I am not impressed!

Teeny, tiny Tuesday and I created a little Christmas card to share today.  For anyone new to my blog, these measure a whole 3.5 inches square.

This used:

Stampin Up! Die Set:  Hearts Come Home
LOTV Digital Paper:  Clouds
Embossing Folder: Dovecraft Basics "Snowflakes"
Sentiment Computer Generated using font Aracne Condensed Regular
Spellbinder Circle Die
VersaColor White Ink Pad for rubbing over the embossed snowflakes
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today with just a "tiny" contribution to the Christmas stock box.

My Sister is back from her holiday now so I am hoping for more crafting time this week and the chance to catch up on my blog commenting again.. .. .. my Sister and I share caring for Mum so her return is a bonus in a number of ways.  

Take care everyone.


  1. Wonderful Christmas card design, Jules. The white really pops against the dark background. xx

  2. A fabulous teeny tiny card,

  3. A super teeny tiny Christmas card. Must remember to try using some of my scenic type dies in this minimal way as it is most effective and no hassle of getting the layers lined up nicely.

  4. I love this Teeny Tiny make Jules, its super...such great design and detail and even down to the lights in the window. I seem to be getting my crafting fix looking at everyone else's wonderful creations. Chilly here too...felt like it will soon be time to put the heating to come on...oh the terrible thought of winter!...what happened to our summer? xx

  5. Lovely tiny card Jules, a beautiful design and colours. Kate x

  6. A lovely teeny, tiny Christmas card Jules, a fabulous embossed panel and sweet winter scene.
    I hope you manage some quality crafting time.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. What a fabulous effect the white looks over the embossed frame...genius!! Another really unique Christmas card xx

  8. We have turned cool too since the hurricane went through dumping over 6 inches of rain on us. It feels like fall for sure, but the 80's will be making their way back this weekend. I love this Christmas teeny tiny!!! The little scene is so peaceful, just waiting for Santa to come. lol Love that "star" paper and the snowflakes. Perfect! Hugs, Brenda

  9. Such a gorgeous little card ! And yes, the weather is crazy ! Hugs, Enny

  10. Beautiful card Jules, may be small but it's perfectly formed.
    Anne x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx