Saturday 18 September 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your weekend is turning out to be a nice enjoyable one.

We have had some lovely sunshine today .. .. but I don't think it will be the same tomorrow.   I think rain is on the way!  But never mind.  We have to just make the most of what life throws at us don't we.

I haven't had chance to play along with some of the challenges I enjoy recently .. .. .. but when I had a peep at what the current As You See It Challenge was, I couldn't resist playing because I really enjoy this theme.  

It is their "speed challenge" .. .. .. with the theme of "humour".  It is just a fun challenge where you see what you can produce in under 10 minutes.  They aren't expecting any great works of art .. .. which is a good thing!  It sounds stupid but as I look at the stopwatch on my phone if I have already gone over five minutes my heart rate increases LOL!!!

This is what I came up with, and it took me 9 minutes and 13 seconds .. .. .. with the most time being spent on typing and printing the sentiment.

This used:

Image:  Woodware Clear Stamp Set "JGS699" Hare in the Middle
Sentiment:  Computer generated using font "Aracne Condensed Regular
Memento Ink Pad:  London Fog
My Trusty Sewing Machine

of course you would have to choose carefully who you send such a card to .. .. but it made me smile and Mr Heart too.

I'll catch you again soon folks.

Enjoy the rest of this evening.


  1. Such a super humorous card, really made me smile. Clever!!

  2. A brilliant card,love the hares and sentiment,I have plenty of grey hairs,so don't need any more Wonderful weather here too,the rest of the week looks pretty good too.Hope you are well Meg x

  3. What a fabulous card ….l love it …..
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  4. A fun card and a fun challenge. I think this challenge would get my heart racing too. It takes me a while to get my act together, but a good idea. Take care. Elaine

  5. Yes Jules, this has made me smile too...but those hares look very fierce don't they. Well done on your time would take me 10 mins to source a piece of! xx

  6. Brilliant card Jules….love the sentiment


  7. Such a fun card Jules, I love the grey hares and super sentiment - you certainly met the challenge with this card.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Ha Ha! Love it, a great fun card.
    Anne xx

  9. A super fun card Jules. Ten minutes wouldn't be any good for me - I seem to take ages!

  10. A brilliant fun card Jules, I've definitely got a few more of those this year!
    Lorraine x

  11. 😂😂😂 This really made me laugh! Love the stamped hares and that sentiment is just perfect! xx

  12. What a brilliant card Jules, I love the hare image and that wonderful sentiment, Kate x

  13. Love it, we need a smile 😀

  14. This brought a big smile to my face, Jules! I love those grey hares! They look like they have such a sense of purpose, when everyone knows that they have no reason for existing whatsoever! Did I see real stitching on the main image panel?? You are a brave one! Thanks for the quick laugh with our speed stamping humour challenge at As You See It this week!

  15. Hi Jules.

    I can't stop smiling at your card!! It's brilliant, great fun!!

    Weather here today, Sunday, has been sunny for most of the day as it was yesterday. Saturday, I was doing a Craft Fair and it got quite busy, which was great and sold quite a few items. The first ones sold, were the most expensive on my stalls. First one was the Christmas Village that was on my last blog picture and then a clock I made as a Beach Hut. So with the smaller items, I had a pretty good day.

    Got another one on Tuesday but hasn't been very good yet. So probably the last one I will do there.

    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  16. LOL...super fun and cute card.

  17. Very clever, love the sentiment and the grey hares and of course the stitching xx

  18. I had quite the chuckle when I read the sentiment on this card Jules! I mean I chuckle for a bit. lol This is an adorable and a perfect birthday card for that "older" person. The fact that you got it made within the 10 min. limit is amazing since you had to type and print you sentiment! I would spend well over that much time looking at fonts to use. lol We are to get rain too this week, but have had two glorious days. Wednesday night into Thursday, the rain is to come. Been a dry summer, but Sept has been super wet! Feast or famine usually in my area. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Brenda

  19. This card gave me such a laugh! I wish I had those stamps! You've totally aced our speed challenge, Jules. Thanks for joining in with us at As You See It Challenge.

  20. You're so clever to have come up with this sentiment to match your gray "hares"! LOVE IT!! Certainly made me crack up! Thanks for sharing it with us at As You See It this week!

  21. So fun! Totally made me smile. So impressed that you made it in less than 10 minutes too!

  22. Jules this is just perfect - it totally made me laugh out loud! A clever use of a single image and the perfect sentiment too. Thanks for playing at As You See It!

  23. Such a clever card! I've found time for a little catch-up and am loving all your gorgeous makes, Jo x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx