Tuesday 9 November 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your week has got off to a good start.

I am here today with another new sketch.  

and I used it to create this:

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Watercolour Butterfly" (sadly no longer trading)
Sentiment:  Penny Black "30-105" Gratitude
Backing Papers:  The Lovely Boutique "Perfect Papers" and "Pinstripes" (also sadly no longer trading)
Circles stamped using an old stamp set from The Works
Corner Rounding Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.

Struggling big time for crafting and blogging time at the moment so if I haven't visited you for a while .. .. I apologise .. .. and promise I will be with you eventually.  I need to prioritise things a little differently now and cram crafty time into the mix where I can.  

Happy couples are coming back on the scene ready for next years weddings too.  For some of them it will be "third time lucky" and hopefully Covid won't ruin their plans again.

All routine has gone from my life and I am simply firefighting  -  thank goodness Mr Heart has an understanding soul.  

Mum is looking like she is going to need more care now, on top of what us kids were already providing, and it doesn't help that she isn't a morning person!  I get to her for 9.30am to give her her tablets and more often than not she then asks for "a little more snooze time" before we start the showering and dressing routine.  We are getting a bit more slicker at that though!

I must admit that I thought everyone was like me and the minute their eyes open in the morning they are instantly awake and raring to go!  Turns out I am just weird as I haven't yet found anyone else (other than my brother) who is like that!.  That must be why we are both self employed - it must be a necessary trait LOL!!

Anyway, time to wake sleeping beauty up again after her "snooze".


  1. A gorgeous sketch and a beautiful card as well. My mum had carers that didn't come in until 9-9.30 ish to get her out of bed and washed. to start with she used to get up and have her breakfast before they got there. Then they would take her back upstairs for a wash. However later on she found it harder to get breafast herself and had to wait. So there are carers out there that deal with the later risers. It seems like most elderly like to get up early. Father-in-law had them in a 7.00 every morning and moaned if they were late. Hope you manage to get something sorted for your mum.

    Sue xx

  2. Sorry to read mum looks as though she will need more care, I hope she still improves over time.A beautiful sketch and card Jules,take care of yourself Meg x

  3. Thanks for another lovely sketch - amazing that you can fit crafting into your busy schedule at present, but this is great because everyone needs some 'me' time to do what they love doing. Don't worry about commenting and the like, I understand as I'm sure do others. Hugs, take care.

  4. Lovely elegant card jules. Glad you are getting into a bit of a routine with your mum ... must admit i'm not a morning person at all ... don't get up early and then pootle around in my jim jams drinking tea and doing online stuff .. but i don't sleep well either so that's my excuse!
    Pauline x

  5. Such a beautiful card Jules, love this sketch. I thought the butterfly was a stamp, such a shame Digistamp Boutique are no longer trading! Sorry I've not been to visit, but life has been a bit busy recently. Have a great week. Debbie x

  6. First things first - a stunningly beautiful card Jules and I resisted that image at the time - and now I am sorry!
    Secondly I know exactly what you mean about no routine! Mum was with me for 27 years and it was a good job I had retired when she started to need some care!
    And lastly - yes you are weird! Who gets up and is awake straight away??? I wander round like a zombie for a good while before I even feel half human!
    Hugs. xx

  7. Hi Jules...your certainly are a juggling things at the moment and I know from experience its not easy....I'm sure mum appreciates all you're doing..
    Your card is lovely love the colours especially the black and while stripe..
    take care


  8. Jules, you don't know me but I have been following your beautiful work for awhile now. I saw this post on bloglovn' this morning and read your post from top to bottom. Sending a prayer to you, your siblings and your mother. My mother is 95 so I understand what you are going through right now. My best to you and yours.

  9. Oh and by the way love your card and design layout!

  10. Ah what a pretty make, I love the colours and your sketch looks brilliant. Might have to play with it and see if it can restart my mojo!! Sorry to hear Mum is getting frailer. Sounds like you are getting there with your plans for her day.Sending Much Love H xx.

  11. What a lovely sketch Jules and your card is beautiful, lovely topper and I love the mono colours.
    Tricky one for you all, but I'm sure you will all work out what's best for your Mum, take care and commenting on blogs is the least of your concerns just now, we will all be here when you find the time, Kate x

  12. Hi Jules,

    So sorry to hear that your Mum now needs more help. Must be difficult for you all, as it's sad to see her need it.

    You are not weird, getting up full of beans!! I am the opposite and like to go to bed about 2am.

    Stay strong.

    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  13. Beautiful card Jules, take care of yourself and don’t stress over the little things. You have tough times, and we’re with you in spirit xxx

  14. Jules don’t know where you find the time to craft along with a very thing else, loving the card it’s beautiful. Keep your chin up girl and know we are thinking of you. Love Alison x

  15. Another fabulous sketch Jules and your card is just stunning! I'm sorry your Mum is needing more care than before, but so happy her children are providing it for her. Yes, Mr. Heart is a good soul with his understanding. I had to laugh about your Mum not being a morning person. Not many people are! I am a morning person too, and once my eyes are open, I'm wide awake. My sister couldn't understand how she could wake me up and I would pop right out of bed. lol I guess we are a rare breed. Anyway, your Mum is a lucky Mum to have all of you taking care of her! Hugs, Brenda

  16. I look forward to giving this layout a bit of play time, love the soft colours of yours!

    Sally xx

  17. Great card. Good luck wiht your mum. Anesha x

  18. Hey Jules, bless you. Sometimes life just continues to rain down on some of us. It's hard work caring for a loved one and I hope you do manage to escape to 'your' happy place and find some precious 'me' time.

    I do hope your Mum improves with time, take care... oh beautiful card x

  19. A fabulous new sketch Jules and a super card.
    My Mum very much had her own routine when she lived with us, she would never appear before 9:30, she would then have a leisurely breakfast before I could shower and dress her, she would then ask why we had lunch so early at 1 O'clock!
    Take care.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  20. A lovely card Jules and another great sketch. Sorry to hear that your mum is in need of more care. I'm not a morning person either, so I appreciate your mum liking her snooze time. Make sure you look after yourself too.

    Kath x

  21. Love the muted colours on this one. Simply stunning. I am also very impressed by your perfect curved stitching on your rounded corners. So glad our mum is still doing OK and what a relief that all 3 of you are close enough to take turns xx

  22. Such a beautiful sketch and card, Jules. Love your sketches, have to try some of them ;)
    Wish you a wonderful week. Hugs

  23. Hi Jules

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and hoping that all is well. xxx

  24. Hi Jules hope things are improving with your mum, and you are finding time to care for yourself. I have been in this situation twice its not easy. Happy christmas


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx