Friday 3 November 2023


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a good day and are ready for the weekend.

Two clean and simple cards from me today which are "the same but different" in terms of colour.


These used:

My Favorite Things MFT-1779 Big Birthday Wishes Die
Papers and card from snippet mountain (on a serious mission to clear some of these)!
My Trusty Sewing Machine

Nice and quick to put together and suitable for absolutely anyone, young .. .. old .. .. .. male  or  female!

So quick on all levels .. .. quick to make and even quicker to blog about!


  1. That's a fabulous die Jules,love the papers you used on both cards

  2. Two super cards, Jules. I love the die you’ve used and the cards look great in both colours. xx

  3. The perfect generic birthday card! Love them xxx

  4. No chance of missing the heart this time, especially on the first one 😉. Such neat stitching

  5. What a clever die and a great way to use those valuable snippets that we can never throw away. xx

  6. Fabulous Jules - absolutely love the CAS look of these, they are extremely effective
    Pauline xx

  7. Inlaid die cutting is one of my favourite techniques. These look fabulous and I love the tine heart in the corner of the turquoise one xx

  8. Hi Jules
    Love your cards …..
    hugs Sylvie xx

  9. Who doesn't enjoy getting big birthday wishes, especially when they're this colorful and fun?! Great pair of cards and wonderful use of your snippets too!

  10. Two lovely card Jules and a birthday die that's perfect for all ages beautifully stitched edges too...

    Anne x

  11. Hi there Jules my lovely blog buddy :-)
    I was so pleased to see that you are back and your cards are as fabulous as ever!
    Hopefully I will see you in blog land soon as I am also going to start card making again - Yay!!
    Big hugs
    Eve xx

  12. They are really great cards Jules, particularly for the tricky men xx

  13. Brilliant die, so effective. It did take me longer than it should have to find the heart on the brown and pink version.
    Anne x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx