Saturday 11 November 2023


Hi Everyone

Happy weekend!  I hope yours has got off to a good start.

After what has been a very busy week I decided I was going to treat myself today and spend as long as I possibly could in my little craft pod making Christmas cards.  I didn't manage as long as I would have liked .. .. .. but then I am never satisfied.  I always want to play longer.

It was as if fate decided that it was going to lend me a hand and treat me too, because out of the blue yesterday evening I got an email via Amanda Jayne Designs promoting a special offer on her Ultimate Christmas bundle .. .. .. a whole 130 Christmas characters and 50 Christmas sentiments for £15.00.

I already owned a handful of Amanda's images and knew how lovely they were to colour/work with so I decided to treat myself and hopefully speed up increasing my Christmas card collection in the process.

Oh my days!  I am now spoilt for choice on what to use .. .. .. so many lovely images to choose from, and all easily downloadable from just one file I received via MailBigFile. 

I made the mistake of going through the whole download straightaway last night just before bedtime (well it would be rude not to LOL!!) and filled myself with excitement at the thought of it helping me with my craft makes today.  I was even tempted not to bother going to bed .. .. but to start playing straight away .. .. but of course that would be silly!

Anyway .. .. .. .. here is my favourite make of the day.  I have also printed out lots more images and plan to take them with me when I go to spend time with Mum tomorrow.  Nine times out of ten she will have a snooze so I sit quietly colouring until she wakes up.  Then she likes to look at everything I have done!

This used:

Amanda Jayne Designs "Ultimate Christmas Bundle" for the image and sentiment
Christmas design pad from The Works
ProMarkers and Chalk for the rosy cheeks
X-Cut Corner Rounder Punch
Die Cut Snowflakes
Tag Die
Diamond Stickles
My Trusty Sewing Machine

Always keen to share something I feel is amazing with my crafty pals .. .. you can see the images in the collection here on Etsy .. .. .. but if you decide you "need" the collection too don't buy it from the Etsy site.  To get the super special offer (it ends at midnight tomorrow - Sunday 12th November) you need to send a payment of £15 via PayPal to adding a message saying "ultimate bundle" and the email address you want the bundle sending to.  The bundle comes via MailBigFile within 24 hours (but mine came through pretty much straightaway).

I haven't been asked to promote this offer .. .. I just wanted to share the amazing deal .. .. but I did check with  Amanda first to make sure it was OK to do so.

So that is me for today.  

Going back now to play with my download a little bit more before my day of crafty fun ends. 

Hope your day has been as much fun as mine.


  1. Oh Jules what a lovely card and wow whst a bargin very tempted but have my car service and mot next week and just call green flag as my battery died over night. So am trying to sit on my hands but i appreciate the heads up and you never know

  2. A fabulous card, I love the image and colours. Elaine

  3. So pleased to hear you've had a fun day and what a charming image this one is - beautifully coloured as always. Thanks also for sharing the details of this great deal. I really ought not to add anything else to my seasonal stash but who knows my fingers might stray onto the keyboard 🤣🤣, something they seem to do all too frequently. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  4. Fabulous cheery Father Christmas and Rudolph image teamed with gorgeous papers,love it

  5. A lovely fun image, beautifully coloured, and your sewing is sew neat! I don’t do digital…yet…..but that’s a fab offer. Hope your Mums ok, it’s great that we can take our crafting with us. I even took some when I had to hang around hospitals 😃 xxx

  6. A fun and happy image! I can see you are going to spend a lot of time colouring over the next few weeks. You should know better than to get over excited before bed time. 😁

  7. A super cute card Jules and £15 sounds like a bargain for the bundle too x

  8. Those smiling faces just make me happy on this cute little card! I love the background strips of fun designer paper that compliment this image beautifully!

  9. What lovely image Jules such a happy father Christmas and Rudolph thank you for sharing the information of where we can buy these delightful images.. I think you will have hours of fun colouring in these cute images...


  10. Such a sweet Santa image and a beautifully designed card Jules, Kate x

  11. Beautiful Christmas card Jules, it’s a lovely image and you have coloured it beautifully
    Pauline xx

  12. A fabulous card and I love the cute image you've used too.
    Kath x

  13. Sweet card! So very nicely done!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx