Sunday 26 November 2023


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well and are having a good weekend.

All super busy and manic here in the House of Hearts, which means my "blogland comeback" hasn't been quite how I imagined .. .. .. but never mind .. .. .. I am enjoying what I am managing to do .. .. .. which is the main thing.  

Sadly our buyer had to pull out of our house sale this week due to their circumstances changing and it meant that we were back to hosting house viewings again yesterday. 

But they say everything happens for a reason, so we will just go with the flow and see what happens next.

Funny how the smallest room in our house .. .. .. "my little craft pod" .. .. .. ends up being loved by people as much as I love it .. .. .. and often sparks off the loveliest of conversations.   It is the last room I show to people on our "grand tour" and I describe it as my favourite room in our house (which it is) and where I have spent many, many, many happy hours.  I also describe it as a "tardis" where a very small space holds far more than it looks on the surface .. .. not many people (other than me) see the beauty of what it contains though of course. 

Anyway, today has seen me add another new sketch to my rectangular sketch library and this is how it looks

These are the snippets I started with:

and this is how I have used the sketch and my collection of snippets.

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2754H" Xmas Kiss 
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Spellbinder Circle Dies
X-Cut Corner Rounding Punch
All paper, card and ribbon came from Snippet Mountain
Pearls and Charm
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I am taking this along to the "snippet playground" where a new challenge has just started with more wonderful prizes, and where we are encouraged to not cut into brand new sheets of card or backing papers, but to try to use up some of our "leftovers" from previous crafty sessions.  Certainly if you are anything like me you save the smallest pieces of card thinking "I can cut a leaf, a flower, a butterfly .. .. or even a heart" from that tiny piece of card .. .. so it gets stashed away in readiness for being used at a later date!  LOL!!

Hopefully catch you again soon. 


  1. A stunning Christmas card in lovely trendy colour scheme. Cute hedgie too.

    I literally said out loud “Oh nooooo!” when I read about your buyer pulling out. Fingers crossed you find a new buyer pronto.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. I’ll put a little extra “nip” in your hot chocolate to cheer you up! Xxx

  2. Thank you for the sketch Jules it's a great one,lots of lovely layers with these beautiful papers and a fabulous image

  3. This is really lovely Jules - the papers are fab and you can't go wrong with an adorable PB hedgie. Sorry your house sale has fallen through but they do say everything happens for a reason so hopefully it will all work out for the best in the end
    Pauline xx

  4. This is so pretty in the mono tones and that cute stamp. Not a PB I have for some reason!
    Sorry you lost your buyer, but hopefully another will be along any day now.

  5. That's a great sketch and I love the monotone papers. They allow the little hedgehog image to shine. Great stitching skill too. I have never mastered using a sewing machine on curves. I am in awe of your stitched circle. It looks so perfect xx

  6. What a great sketch and lovely card. Sorry to hear about the house i got 4 years to sell mine and said never again. As you say everything happens for a reason you never know what tomorrow brings.

  7. Fabulous card, Jules. Adorable image and I love the monochrome background. Sorry to hear that you lost your buyer, fingers crossed that you get a new one soon. xx

  8. Utterly adorable, such a cute image, love all the layers, the ribbon, embellishments…….gorrrrrrgeous! Xxx

  9. What an adorable card, loving the image and the layout is super - great for using up snippets. Shame about the hitch with your house sale, hope it all pans out well soon.

  10. Beautiful card Jules and of course that adorable PB image....sorry to hear about your buyer....hopefully you wont have to wait too long for another one.


  11. Oh Jules, this is absolutely gorgeous! A card to be treasured. I see that you've been posting often, apologies as am playing catch up with my own Christmas cards but having taken a peek without commenting as yet - oh my, you came back with a bang!

    Fear not my friend, another person WILL come along to buy your house. I feel it in my water - or vodka and coke more like right now! Fingers, toes and doggy paws are crossed here. Will reply to your last email as soon as the overseas Christmas cards are all labelled using Click and Drop! Then Len is on the sleigh run to a huge post box we know of. Only the left UK to go - in between making Snippets cards.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Di xxx

  12. Sorry to hear what happened about your house. Hopefully, It will all work out for you. My craft room is my favorite room in my house. Others just see it as LOTS of stuff!

    Your card, as always, is fabulous. I love that sketch. I haven't tried too many sketches. I don't seem to be very good with them. But it might help if I try to do more... so I am definitely going to try and save your sketch to give it a try.

    Thank You for visiting my blog and the nice comments you left for me.
    Hope you are having a good day.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx