Sunday, 27 June 2010


Hi Everyone

What a day!!

Things are just not going my way .. ..

Some of you may recall that I was having problems with my laptop a while back .. .. well hubby managed to get me up and running OK again but because I was worried about losing all my downloads and work we decided to invest in an external hard drive and transfer everything over to that as a backup. But my laptop just wouldn't do a backup and transfer things.

Well this morning hubby was up bright and early (must have been excited about the football LOL!!) and he set to transferring everything over for me a folder at a time. But my laptop just didn't want to play. So we shut it down whilst we went out and about and when we came back .. .. well it was taking a lifetime for it to do anything and was giving us some very strange messages.

Hubby is now back on repair duties and he thinks my hard drive is dying !! Boo hoo!!

My laptop isn't that old .. .. but out of warranty.

Just hoping we can rescue what I need off it before it goes to the laptop graveyard.

So to cheer myself up I disappeared upstairs to make a little creation when what happens there .. .. .. my paper storage units decided to buckle and spill everything everywhere. Double boo hoo!! (Anyone would think I was storing too much in and on my cardboard units). So now I have craft things everywhere and I had to keep grabbing and catching things as they fell. What a mess!

Anyway I finished my make amongst the mayhem and have used the old PC to post it here.
This used:

Image: Messy Rabbit "MR132" Butterfly
Backing Papers: Dovecraft
Woodware Circle Punch

We will see how things go .. .. laptop still on the operating table at the moment!! What would I do without my lovely hubby to keep rescuing me?!?!?

Catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules well all this hasn't spoiled your mojo, its beautiful. hugs chris xx
    hope you get everthing sorted.

  2. Hi Jules
    Lovely card, love these bunnies. Fab papers and layout too.
    Hope you get your craft room and laptop sorted :)

  3. Hi Jules
    What would we do without them, the other half that is. I had problems last week with mine, your card is so cute love the colours and the little image, at least you had another computer to fall back on.
    Christine x

  4. This is a fab design Jules, love the image and papers.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  5. Oh dear Jules, not your best day then!! The card is fab and the rabbit looks as if he feels the same way as, brilliant. Annette x

  6. It would be no good me waiting for my knight Jules. His armour is decidedly rusty, Lol, and it would be like the blind leading the blind if he tried to repair our computer. He knows no more than I do.

    Sorry your craft pod ended up in a mess too but you still made a beautiful card none the less. This is really lovely.

    Er, sorry to rub it in but I decided to have a run over to the Stamp Magic show at Doncaster. I really enjoyed it but boy was it hot!

    Lesley Xx

  7. What a day you've had Jules. Computers Ehh, they're a real pain when they go wrong. We couldn't do without these men than can could we!! Mine's my computer fix it man too. Hope you manage to get your stuff of it ok.
    Your card seems to sum you up today. Time for some new craft storage too I think. A good excuse to go shopping.
    Hope tomorrow is better.
    Hugs Lisax

  8. Oh hun what would we do without um eh! you need to go to my blog & see what Nige did for me...
    Hope hubby manages to save your lappy hun, I remember when mine went poof! not nice lost soooooooo much stuff, but we had no warning...but he got me a new one & I back everthing up regularly now...
    Gorgeous cards hun, glad you managed to dig yourself out of your pile of papers lol
    hugs shell xx

  9. Hi! This is so lovely. Love the colours and l/o. xx Jenny xx

  10. It's a stunning card, Jules. I have every sympathy with you over your laptop. My work laptop is in a similar state at the moment. I switch it on and after about five minutes it blue screens and reboots and continues to do so. I'm hoping it can be rescued when the technician comes in on Tuesday. I hope your hubby rescues yours.

  11. Oh, hun, what an annoying time you're having! *sends sympathy*. Your card is smashing, I love the image, just so cute!

    I hope things get better - wish I had a useful hubby like yours, mine still doesn't even know how to turn on the tv digibox!! Luckily my daughter is a bit more au fait with computers!

  12. ahhh gorgeous bunny!!!

    shame about your laptop! they are buggers of things! at least hubby is equiped to deal with this!

    and I've got to LOL at your papers spilling out...

  13. Oh no, Jules-don't know how I'd manage with out my lappy!! Fabulous card thought and stunning colouring of your bunny!! Juliex

  14. what a shame...sorry to hear about your "Jonah day"...(from Anne of green gables) however amidst the mayhem you have managed to create an amazing card!! (how do you do that!!! Love the soft pinks!..the combo of spots and checks, and of course the rabbit is just too cute!Hugs Juls

  15. gorgeous card jules, fab image and i love the colours and layout.hope you manage to sort out your laptop.mine was 2nd hand and its still hanging in at the mo but have been looking for a new one.probably won`t know how to use it a great day.luv coops.xx

  16. Theres something on my blog for you hun
    hugs shell xx

  17. Oh you poor thing Jules, you will have to invest in some new units. Love your card hes so cute and youve created a gorgeous card with him. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  18. Oh dear Jules, you are having a few unfortunate mishaps, hope hubby mends the laptop, it's awful to think that you may lose some of your treasures.
    The card is super, love the colour, I'm a pink 'kinda gal!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx