Hi Everyone
Happy, happy Friday .. .. the weekend is in touching distance!
Nice and early today with my final snippet make for this week. My mission is complete .. I managed the three I promised on Sunday!
Good news in itself .. .. but even better news is that Di has managed to reach (and surpass) her elusive 60 entries!! Well done Di!! In fact, as I write, this entry will go into Pixie's Snippet Playground at number 70 and there is still time to enter if you get chance!
It has certainly been a very busy playground this week and I do hope some of the new playmates have had fun and decide to come and play again. (I think Miss Di needs lots of folk for the "crowd scene" in the Christmas Play LOL!!).
So here is my last snippet share for Challenge 100:
This used:
Image: Penny Black "4268K" Crystal Drops
WOW! Embossing Powder: Opaque White
Glamour Dust
X-Cut Punch: Small Snowflake
Josy Rose: Gems
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Twine, ribbons and thread from my stash box
As will all things blog related this is much more sparkly in real life!!!
I was hoping to have posted this creation late last night but when a bride called by in the evening to pick up her invitations we sat chatting and talking about what she still needs to do ahead of her wedding when she said "Do spiders bother you .. .. because you have a very big one over there" and she nodded towards the corner of my dining room.
I turned around and what a shock. There was, what I can only describe as the biggest spider I have ever seen just hanging high up the wall. Big and black!!! We both looked at it, looked at each other with our mouths open, looked back at the spider and at that very split second it dropped itself .. .. but to where I don't know!! Eeeekk!!!
I don't mind spiders but he was rather large and I wouldn't like to think of it crawling on me.
We don't kill spiders .. .. we catch them in a bug catcher thing my hubby bought a couple of years ago .. .. but the span of its legs was so large I am hoping it will fit inside .. .. otherwise it will be back to the old glass and paper technique (oh .. another use for snippets).
I told hubby about the spider later and he said "I know".
"What do you mean? You know?" I asked .. .. and it transpires that this little critter has been living in our midst for quite a while now and hubby has sometimes seen it run across the carpet .. .. but so fast he hasn't been able to catch it.
So last night I started on the spider hunt as I couldn't stop thinking about it. I hope it can't climb stairs!! LOL!!
Anyway time to get cracking on my day.
Have a great Friday everyone and a lovely weekend. Hope you find some craft time.