Sunday, 13 April 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a lovely sunny weekend.

Another week has gone by with no time to even play with my snippets!  That is two weeks I have missed visiting the playground now! (Sorry Miss Di).

Many thanks for the lovely emails though checking that all is well here in the old House of Hearts.

Did you think I had escaped for a break? .. . or that I had decided to take part in the Derby 10K with my Son last weekend and was still running!!!  LOL!!

Nah!!!  I have been working very hard on weddings and orders.  Not only current happy couples to work for but potential new ones to do samples for too!!  

We did receive an offer for a little break though as you will see here  .. .. 

but how would I book Mr Heart and myself in?

Would I have to register as Mrs Julie Always With A Heart .. .. which was the name on the postal address as it arrived!!  What a mouthful that would be!!

I must admit there are some lovely offers inside so we might book an escape .. .. but not for some time yet. All is super busy in the House of Hearts as you might have guessed.  Even Mr Heart has been trained up for Cuttlebug duties and nearly has all the stars on his trainee badge! 

There is so much I want to get on top of that I haven't been anywhere near blog-land I am afraid :-(  You know what it is like .. .. you tell yourself you will "just have half an hour catch up" and suddenly it is an hour + .. .. so I decided the safest bet was to ban myself completely.  After all you can tie a lot of ribbon bows in an hour and I have to admit that when I do stop working I feel it is only fair to spend time with my family .. .. otherwise they might forget what I look like!!!  But it won't always be this busy and normality will resume eventually I am sure.

I have gained a few lovely new followers too during my absence .. .. thank you for liking my blog enough to want to come back .. .. but you must be wondering why you bothered signing up! Sorry folks .. .. I promise I'm not always this bad at posting .. .. it just happens when I get extra busy.

Mr Heart was laughing at my little date block I bought from London the other day saying "I can't believe you need this to remind you what the date is".  He laughed even louder when I said it isn't really good enough. The date and month just doesn't cut it.  I need to know what day it is and even what year!!!

He couldn't believe it .. .. .. but when working with weddings for 2014, 2015 and even 2016 you can easily wonder what year it "actually" is!! LOL!!

I wish everyone a good week - with hopefully some sunshine!



  1. Always good to hear from you Jules even when you have nothing to share. By the time get that to do list sorted I should think that a nice little break in that gorgeous looking hotel would be most welcome for you & Mr Heart. lol.
    Sally x

  2. Lovely to read your post Jules, pleased you are keeping busy x Susan x

  3. Glad to hear all is well, if a little busy Jules!! Glad to hear the apprentice is earning his stripes!! I thought I recognised The Manor Hotel, it's only a 15 minute drive from us...small world!! xx

  4. Good evening Jules,
    Glad to hear from The House of Hearts.
    Business has to continue but please remember to take time for you and Mr Heart.

    Patricia xx

  5. Glad you are ok, know what you mean, best to stay away as time disappears on here. Had a good spend at Ali Pali craft fair today xxx

  6. Hi Jules,

    Pleased to hear that your wedding business is keeping you very busy, but of course I am missing your lovely cards.

    Hope you manage to spend some quality time with Mr Heart and your family over the Easter weekend. And, of course, have some tine for a little R&R yourself.

    Love Sheila x

  7. Good luck on all the work and well done you for really getting stuck in.
    Mrs Always with a Heart is a tad of a mouthful, I am sure you will sort it out when the time is right.

    Kath x

  8. We will all still be here when you return Jules.
    Happy crafting.
    Hugs Sharon x

  9. Hi Jules,
    I am so glad that you have posted to say that all is well. I didn't bother you as I thought that you would be busy but there is always a fear when we don't hear from you.

    Mr Heart will soon have arms like Popeye with all that Cuttlebugging!! LOL!

    I think that you should definitely book that break as it will give you something to look forward to - go for it!
    I do know what you mean about time disappearing when we blog though :(
    Anyway take care and I hope that you have a lovely week. xx

  10. Oh Jules! I did giggle at this post. So good to know, as I suspected, that your business is booming. Don't fret, we still have your very own bean bag safely in the tree house if you decide you need to come and hide for a quick rest at all.

    Still miss you though!


    Di xx

  11. Thanks for checking in with us, Mrs. Always With a Heart! (SO cute!!!) It's a good thing to be busy with something you love! =D

  12. Take care Jules. We miss you but i'm pleased to hear that your wedding work is keeping you busy! That is what it is all about!


  13. Hi Jules, I love this, it really made me smile! Glad your keeping busy :) Carole Z X

  14. Good to hear from you. I am so pleased for you that your business is doing so well. I think you'll need that break once this current busy spell is over (that's if there's not another lined up alrayd). This place looks perfect for a bit of relaxation and TLC.
    Beryl xx

  15. You are sounding super busy Jules and that is a good thing even if it cuts into your crafty time. You have to be very good at what you do (which I know you are) or you wouldn't be busy. lol And I can totally understand why you don't know what year it is-I don't have a business to run and I don't know what year it is half the time. lol I hope you and Mr. Heart can get some time away together to recharge the ole batteries-everyone needs that from time to time. Thanks for having such a wonderful blog to visit!! Hugs

  16. hello Jules
    it is good to hear from you , but you are very busy, so business is important, but take good care for your health.
    i wish you success and a happy easter.
    hugs to you.

  17. Hi Jules, Im so glad the wedding stationary business is really doing well, the problem is trying to get other things in as well. Good luck love and sorry Ive not been by, like you I have been busy to. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  18. I totally understand the not knowing what day, date, year, etc it is. I work at a school and am always scheduling meetings weeks from now and planning for the next semester. We're already registering for summer and fall and talking 14-15 fiscal year, so how does anyone expect to keep track of what today is??!!

    Thanks for the update on what is going on with you. We'll be here when you come up for air. And kudos to you for teaching Mr. Heart to Cuttlebug!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx