Tuesday 14 April 2009

A double whammy - 2 awards from Helen & Nicki

Hi everyone

Well back to work today - it takes a bit of getting your head around it feeling like Monday but being Tuesday!!

I have received a double whammy today - a lovely award from blog buddies Helen and Nicki - thank you both very, very much.


Thank you both - it is nice to think my blog makes people smile!

I think I should now be passing this award on to 5 or should it be 10? blog owners that make me smile - but I cannot choose 5 or 10!!!. 500 would be more like it and even then I would feel I was leaving someone out .. .. .. so if anyone would like to accept this award from me .. .. .. then please take it and display it proudly on your blog.

If I have visited you then you are sure to have made me smile as I haven't seen a blog that I don't like or haven't gained some form of inspiration from.

Have a great evening.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules, love your blog. I have also given you this award, here. Hugs, Nicki.

  2. Well deserved award Jules. BTW I've had the same problem as you with my blog photos tonight. I downloaded two different photos in exactly the same way each, and one of them is clickable to enlarge and the other one isn't. Strange Huh!

    Lesley Xx


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If you have chosen to follow my blog by email, or send me a message via email, then please know that I will never share your address with any third parties.

So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx