Monday 13 April 2009

That's what Sisters are for!!

Hi Everyone

Well after a bad start to the day - things could only get better!

The thermostat decided to go on the water/central heating boiler this morning and the water in the tank reached boiling point and spewed dirty water all over my bathroom. I can only assume this dirty water is something to do with my radiators and the tank must have been boiling for a good two hours!! It was like a sauna in the bathroom but with most things covered in horrible black water. (There is no cover over the header tank casing and the airing cupboard - this is something we have being going to sort for .. .. .. .. well to save embarrassment lets say "ages"!!!!)

Thankfully it has been a good washing day because the whole contents of my airing cupboard have needed washing! So have the walls of the bathroom, the carpet, the door, the loo, the sink and the ceiling!!! (The bath and window escaped the disaster so I suppose I have to be thankful for that).

My finger nails have ended up so black that I have had to cut them as short as possible to try and make them look respectable!!

Once the world was clean again and hubby disappeared to football - I escaped to the best room in the house for a well earned play and here is my creation.

The flower idea came via my fantastic Sis. (Thank you Joey xxx). We had a craft session together on Saturday and she was making fabric flowers. One of them I decided could probably be made out of paper - so I had a go today and put it on my card. I think I need to work on the technique a little but I am pleased with the result - and that's what Sisters are for. "Having great times together and sharing good ideas!!!"

My card used:

Image - Penny Black 1444K "Hedgehog Bouquet" (can you tell I love my Penny Blacks?)
Background papers - Pink Petticoat "His N Hers Collection"
Heart Punch

The rest of the goodies came from my stash box - Eyelets, ribbon, flower and bling!!

I coloured the image with Caran D'Ache Neocolor II - water-soluble wax pastels. I haven't used these for a while and decided to give them a go today.

So, the Bank Holiday is nearly over. I have had a great crafty time over the last few days but it is back to work tomorrow - so the blog will slow down again unfortunately :-(

Enjoy the rest of the break everyone and I'll catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. Lovely card Jules. Love the contrasting polka dot papers and the flower you've made too. What a nightmare about your bathroom. Hope things are back to normality soon. Happy Easter. Hugs, Lainy x

  2. loving the flower jules, such a clever idea
    lovely colouring
    helen x

  3. Lovely card, Jules, that flower is great, will have to have a go at one of those. Watch for the postie over the next few days!!!!


  4. Absolutely gorgeous
    Wendy x

  5. This is a stunning card Jules. What a clever flower and I love the touch of contrast from the flower centre and ribbon.

    Lesley Xx

  6. Fab card Jules, love that flower, and the soft colours. Perfect. What a bummer about your leak, hope it's all sorted and the sun shines to get all your washing dry.
    En x

  7. lovely colours, fab flower, sweet card

  8. i've left you a little something on my blog
    helen x

  9. Ohhhh...I know how it looks and how much time it needs to clean-up such a hat a horrible smell too when it happend to us so I dont forget it...poor you!!..but it turned out ok again and you made a wunderful the flower!!!please lent me your sis?!...and please dont stay away too long...looking forward to your creations here!!
    greetings Francien.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx