Saturday 3 October 2009


Good morning everyone

I am hoping that Mr Blogger is my friend and is posting whilst I am relaxing in (hopefully) sunshine!

We had lots and lots of entries in last week's Allsorts Challenge - thank you everyone who took part. It was a very popular theme.

This week the DT were very fortunate to be given a wonderful download from Liz at Pink Petticoat to work with called "Big Fella". Wow what a wonderful download it is too -thank you Liz x).

There is a free download available as a prize from Pink Petticoat this week - with the added twist that if you use pink petticoat products to make your entry you can add the link to your entry twice on Mr Linky and have double the chance to win a fab download.

I created a card for my youngest son to give his "big bro" as it will be his 30th birthday whilst we are all away on holiday.

This used:

Pink Petticoat Download "Big Fella" (all papers used on this card are from the kit)
Cuttlebug "star" die
Cricut for "no. 30" (can't believe I will soon have a son this old!!!)
Spellbinders Nestabilities "Large Deckled Rectangles"
Diamond Stickles
iskars "small star" punch

I am sorry that I am not going to get chance to visit your entries this week - but my fellow team members will be popping along to check your creations out.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. Wow!! Jules, you've outdone yourself. Don't know where to start.. I love everything about this card! Fab-u-luss!

    Chris xx

  2. Hi Jules, hope that your are enjoying your holiday, wish I was there with you, its been so busy here in this last week, so many things going on, new window, new backdoor and even a new bath, oh well such is life. I love your card is gorgoeus, and Im sure it will be a real hit with your eldest son, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  3. Great card Jules, I'm sure your son will love it, get yourself off into that sun and enjoy yourself, 'see' you when you get back!

  4. Oh Jules, I love this card, its so stylish and masculine without looking like the 'normal' blokey styles!
    I really must relook at that collection at Liz's!

    Hope you are having a FANTASTIC holiday!

    Keryn x

  5. Great looking card xx jo xx

  6. Great card Jules. Have a good holiday.
    Beryl xx

  7. Nice one Jules, hope Paul likes it, sure he will.

    Not that I am envious or anything because it is cold and windy here, but guess it's lovely and warm weather where you are. Did I mention I am not envious ?

    Have fun, I know you were ready for a holiday.

    B x

  8. Great Card, Jules! You are so talented. I am always amazed by the variety of different styles you can turn your hand to x

  9. love this card - it has a really retro feel to it.

    Thanks for having me at Allsorts this month


  10. Great card for a big bro -- I am sure he will feel honored that you have made such a lovely card.

  11. i love this card, i bet he loved it. Mel x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx