Wednesday 7 October 2009


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all well.

Just a quick reminder about the By The Cute and Girly Challenge that started this month and a glimpse of my second creation.

Everyone on the team was asked to bring variety to the challenge blog and to show creations that were not just cards. I hadn't realised just how "card orientated" I had become. My first thought always goes to a card - and yet there are just so very many other options too - and I really enjoyed thinking about other crafts and actually "doing" other crafts. This could bring a whole new dimension to my blog!! Yay!!

I previously showed you the card I had made - well my next creation is a burnt flower. I saw this idea months ago on Caz's blog and instantly fell in love with the idea and the look.

I dropped Caz an email to see if she would mind if I "made and showed" a flower using her inspiration and linked back to her blog for the instructions. Caz very kindly agreed (thank you Caz x) and full instructions are here. (Beware though - once you visit Caz's blog you will be hooked - she does the most amazing work and you will be there for ages).

Here is my creation using autumn shades.

I put a small brooch pin on the back of my flower so that I can wear it on my clothes - but it looks equally nice attached to a bag, a card or a present.

Once you make one you can't stop - you will be swarmed out with them I tell you!

I hope you are enjoying the "By The Cute and Girly Challenge" and are perhaps getting chance to enter a creation.

I am still away on my holibobs but will catch up with what everyone has been doing on my return.

Love Jules xx


  1. Wow this is stunning Jules!
    Clare x

  2. Stunning is all I can say Jules, the colours you have used for it are just gorgeous. Thanks for the link

  3. Wow this is gorgeous and i love the colours. luv gina xx

  4. Wow what a gorgeous flower, love the colouring and ideal for a brooch. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxx

  5. Oh boy - I know I shouldn't have followed the link but I wanted to know how to make these lovely flowers. It's bookmarked but I have heeded your warning about getting hooked there and will visit in short spells.
    Beryl xx

  6. This is fab Jules. I'm off to check out Caz's blog now.

    Hope your enjoying your hols. Only 4 weeks come Friday for mine, Yay!

    Lesley Xx

  7. This is gorgeous Jules, I am really into 'different' flowers at the moment, and love this one
    Have a great weekend,
    En xx

  8. Wow! This is SO stunning!!! I love the colours especially the colour of the little heart, it contrasts so well with the browns x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx