Friday 18 December 2009


Good morning everyone

Brrrrr........ cold start today.

My lovely hubby has a birthday today and here is the card I have made for him.

No problem for you to find a heart .. .. .. .. lots of hearts for my hubby because he deserves them!! (Along with a medal for putting up with me LOL!!).

Here is my creation:

This used:

Image: Penny Black 1301K "Hedgehog Kisses"
Background Papers: Funky Hand Download "Hearts & Flowers" (one of my favourites)
Sentiment: Pink Petticoat "Tiny Tags Handwriting"
Cuttlebug: Embossed heart
Koh-I-Noor Coloured Pencils
Nail Heads: Josy Rose
Cord from the stash box

The birthday boy has had to go off to work today - and I am at home. What do I want to do? Sit and make cards!!! (Still have quite a few I want to make).

What have I got to do? Clean just about every room in my house and tackle a mountain of ironing!!! Oh well .. .. all that activity will warm me up!!

So my thinking is that if I have a beautifully clean house (and keep it that way) my creative brain will work better over the weekend for lots of creations and I won't be in the usual mad clean up panic just ahead of Santa coming!!

This year I am determined to have a relaxing and chilled Christmas !!

So no Friday cooking by the birthday boy tonight - he has the night off. I am taking him out to his favourite Thai Restaurant for a meal.

Right then - off to turn on every radio in the house and clean my mucky house!!!

Have a lovely day everyone and just think .. .. ..

this time next week Santa will have visited if we have been good enough !!!!

Thanks for calling by.

Added note: I am over halfway through the day and would like to know .. .. .. .. how come a day spent crafting just flies by and yet I have spent all day doing housework and it feels like it is lasting for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. Gorgeous card, I love it! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Jules xx

  2. can you pop over here when you are done Jules lol. I am hoping santa does a bit of cleaning when he calls lol. Love this card, so romantic, love all the hearts.

  3. Ah! Lovely card for what sounds like a lovely man, you lucky lady. Give him my best Birthday Wishes.

    And after you've been to Pinky's my house could do with a once over too!

    No seriously, it sounds like my day is going to mirror your's exactly. WHICH IS WHY I'M GOING TO SWITCH THIS COMPUTER OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!

    Lesley Xx

  4. just love this card!! it is so sweet! Love the gorgeous colours and your embossed heart is stunning!! fab card, love it!!

  5. Super card Jules, such lovely colours too!

    Hope you both have a fabulous evening together!

    Happy cleaning!
    Keryn x

  6. Jules, yes, a chilled Christmas!!! Meeeee too!
    Stress just makes it aweful!
    Your hubby will love his cute card. You did a great job. I like the way you embossed the heart. Cute!
    My sons birthday is the 22nd, poor thing so close to Christmas. It gets kinda mixed up in the activities.
    Have a wonderful Christmas girlie!!
    Hugs, Dena

  7. I love those Hedgie images!

    Great card!!!

  8. How's the cleaning going Jules!!! Know what you mean about it taking forever.
    Happy Birthday to your Hubby. His card is gorgeous, I'm sure he loved it. Enjoy your meal out tonight, wrap up warm!!
    I can't believe Santa will have been this time next week!!!! Where has the time gone!!
    Have a great weekend.


  9. Ah well Jules, that's life, you are obviosly meant to be crafting not doing housework. I asked you earlier if that was some form of craft I have yet to discover because the word is alient to me.

    Give Dave a birthday wish from us and enjoy your meal.

    B x

  10. Oh poor Jules, I hope you managed to catch up with the cleaning, if youd like a bit more you can pop by my house.
    I absolutely love your hubbys card, and I bet he did to. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  11. You have such willpower! I would've been crafting and leaving the housework! Wonderful card by the way x

  12. Brilliant card Jules love them hedgies

    Hugs and happy holidays
    Lorraine x

  13. Happy Birthday to your husband Jules..have a great evening tonight.. lovely card you have made him...and no much Christmascleaning, cooking or decorating for me this year...there is only the two of us with lots of feelgood food and yes....snow!!....what else can a oldie like me want?? have a very merry Christmas Jules and ofcourse a very happy and healthy new year!! and thanks for the lovely comments you made on my blogs...greetings ♥ Francien.

  14. Gorgeous card - your hubby will love it.
    Beryl xx

  15. A beautiful, romantic card for your hubby's birthday. He's a lucky lad to have a great gal like you. I hope you both had a fab time out for a treat this evening.
    Anice xx

  16. Oops.. Running a bit late on this one.. Just catching up..

    Belated happy birthday to Mr G, and congrats to Mrs G on producing such a sweet card!

    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx