Saturday 19 December 2009


Good morning on this crisp cold day .. .. .. no snow here in the Midlands but a big, big frost!! Think I will stay in today as much as I can . . . . . bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

This week on Allsorts there is a slight change in the challenge in that my lovely team mate Debs has asked for "anything but a card".

We have been sponsored this week by
A Passion for Stamps and Ruth is offering 1 lucky winner, picked by the opportunity to win some beautiful stamps. Please pop over to the Allsorts challenge blog to see the stamps and the gorgeous creation Ruth has made to "showcase" them.

I decided to try and incorporate my creation into my Christmas preparations and came up with the following:

I had a few oddly shaped gifts to wrap and decided that this was a good way of disguising them!!

To make my little creation I used:

Paper: by Papermania
Label: Cuttlebug heart die run through the snow embossing folder
Punches: Fiskars small star punch and the tiny snowflake I still don't know!!
Gems, bells and ribbon from my stash box

I am sure you will have all seen these before but I just thought it was a great way to hide presents that are an odd shape - plus they look quite sweet.

I have seen them all over blog land with various names but they remind me of something we used to have as a treat as kids and I am sure they were called a "jubbly". Basically it was a huge chunk of flavoured ice (orange or cherry I think). Mum would cut the top off and you would squeeze the bottom for it to slide up the package to eat. They seemed huge and took for ever to eat!! I have seen versions of them on sale now but they are dinky little things .. .. .. .. not the humongous things we used to eat (that kept up quiet for ages).

Just in case anyone hasn't come across these little packages before all you need to do is:

- cut your paper to a size (craft paper, wrapping paper, brown paper - any paper !!)

- stick double sided tape down one edge (attach to the back of your paper not the patterned side)

- remove the backing from the tape and roll over and stick the opposite edge to the tape to form a tube .. .. the right side of the paper sticking to the tape

- now put double sided tape inside the top and bottom edges of your tube

- before you take the backing off the tape flatten one end of your tube (but just at the very edge not all the way down or you will spoil your jubbly case) I do it with my original join sitting underneath

- remove the backing from the tape at your creased end and join together your first set of end edges

- next add your present

- then crease the last end of your jubbly case but this time at "right angles" to your first end and stick this together. (If I am not explaining this very well go back to the last pictures above and that will hopefully help you).

- now the best bit .. .. .. .. decorate as you see fit!!! LOL!!!

These little packages are not really called jubbly cases I am sure .. .. .. but once finished and decorated I always say "lovely jubbly" .. .. so what better name.

If you decide to make a "jubbly package" then please let me know. I would love to come and have a "look see" at what you did.

Have a lovely jubbly day everyone!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. Lovely idea Jules and thanks for the how to. I'll keep it in mind for anything I need wrapping that is that sort of shape.

    Lesley Xx

  2. Clever girl, why can I not think of doing something like that with these awkward gifts !!!!. We are very hot here, I believe it is very cold in the UK. If I do not contact you before Christmas I wish all the best to you and your family. xxxxx

  3. perfect gift boxes!! stunning and such a beautiful finish on it! and I love the little heart tag!! Hugs Juls

  4. Wonderful idea! Looks ideal to wrap the MP3 player in. I remember jubblies! They turned your tongue bright colours and we used to drink the melted bit out of the bottom.

  5. Hi Jules
    This is a fab idea and it looks great. I might try and have a go myself but I'm not very good at making boxes n stuff!
    Take care.

  6. Oh Jules thats a gorgeous box, and I love all the embellishments youve covered it with, its going to be a real stunning gift for someone. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  7. Haha!! Lol.. Yes, I remember jubblies, too! And sherbet fountains.. which seemed bigger then, too. And Jubilee Bags, and kali.

    Great box. Love the embellishment. Thank you for the instructions! :o)

    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx