Sunday 20 December 2009


Good morning everyone

A special share today.

We had visitors for a Chinese meal last night and whilst the men folk were fetching it I had a little "crafty session" with two special friends.

We always make something when we get together and this week I had no idea what we were going to make until my little visitors actually arrived .. .. when suddenly Brenda's roses popped into my brain.

Here are our first attempts. We followed Brenda's tutorial (which you can find here) but we didn't treat the paper to all the luscious treatment that Brenda did. To be honest we didn't expect them to turn out as good as they did.

Here are the first two roses we made:

and here are my lovely playmates - Neil and Helen

Neil helped to punch the flowers out and Helen did all the shaping and sticking together. She is a real "craft queen" in the making.

Helen is going to come and sleep over with me one weekend so we are going to have to think of something special to make/play with that weekend.

By the end of the evening Helen was a "dab hand" at making these lovely roses and she made lots and lots and even glued a cocktail stick through them so she can put them into a little vase or some oasis. I wish we had taken pictures of all of them at the end now. Helen also did different sizes and managed to do a tiny one using a 3/4" punch!!

I hope you like Helen's creations and know she will be looking on my blog here to see what you think. I am sure you will all be as impressed as I am.

Well done Helen.

Love Jules xx


  1. The roses came out gorgeous, I really need to give them a try!

  2. Fabulous! I am very impressed! Well done Helen and Neil.If you are reading this, Helen - You are a natural! I am really enjoying making them too - it's becoming a bit addictive!

  3. Wow Jules what super roses you have all made, I agree Helen is definitely a natural. It looks like you all had a great night and so nice to see a young man involved in crafting, wish I could get Benn, you never know maybe when he is a bit older.
    Max x

  4. Boy, Oh Boy! these are just brilliant and no one would know they are a first attempt. Well done Helen! I haven't had time to have a go at these roses yet but I will and I just hope my first ones turn out half as good.

    Nice to have a young man involved too so well done Ben as well.

    Lesley Xx

  5. Oh wow Jules, your carfty friends and you did a fantastic job - are you sure these were the first attempts and the three of you have not been practicing in secret all week ??

    I expect to see lots more coming to your blog.

    B x

  6. Oh wow. They are fabulous.well done.
    Beryl xx

  7. your roses turned out just fab!!! hope you all had a lovely crafty evening!! Hugs Juls

  8. What a great crafty session you all had! The roses are just beautiful and with Spring around the corner there will soon be lots of cards that will need such special blooms!

    Helen, I bet you're already looking forward to your next crafting session with Jules! It's no wonder as she is just such a fab crafter! Enjoy yourselves!

    Keryn x

  9. Well, I have looked REALLY closely, and I can't see anything wrong with these roses at all. Not even a rough edge. They're perfectly formed roses, IMHO.

    I think we'd better look to our laurels.. This Helen girl is going to be better than all of us! Harumph! >:o(

    Hugs (to you, Jules.. NOT Helen! (sulk))
    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx