Monday 21 December 2009


Well how is it all going?

Is everyone on track for the one day of the year that sends us all into a frenzy??

Today is the last posting day for 1st class post so perhaps like me you spent yesterday writing up all your cards - and searching for that one address that you just can't remember where you put "for safe keeping" LOL!!

I thought I would share something other than a Christmas card today.

This used:

Image and backing papers: Pink Petticoat "Big Fella"
Martha Stewart Punch: Embossed Zig Zag
White "Fun Flock" (not that you can see it too well)
Nail Heads: Josy Rose
Normal felt tipped pens

I have lots of orders to finish today for those organised people who want their January cards ready and waiting to send in the New Year. I wonder if I will ever be that organised?!?!?

I think there is a saying something about "Cobbler's children have no shoes" - well this certainly applies to me at the moment. Piles of cards for everyone else to send and a last minute frenzy to do my own !! LOL!!

Of course in a week or so we will all be making our New Year Resolution lists. Mine always ends up with so many statements and promises for "self improvement" that I forget half of them!!

Right then I am off to have a productive day. I hope you get all your letters into the post and thanks for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Love the card! Yep, I'm in full blown panic mode now, and I'm hoping the snow doesn't prevent me from shopping! I've earmarked Wednesday to do Meg and Steve's cards. Family ones will be squeezed in in the next couple of days in the evenings. Hope your day is very productive!

  2. Yes, me too! Panic, Panic but in a light hearted way. What doesn't get done will stay undone. Luckily we're at our daughter's for Christmas dinner but then they come down to us Boxing Day evening for 2 days.

    I'm off to take my mum to the dentist in 30 minutes and then to post all my cards (by the skin of my teeth). Hope your day goes to plan Jules.

    I love the card by the way. The colours are great too.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Oh so glad I read your post, my hubby told me it was tomorrow for last
    So I will keep this hsort and sweet and get my arse into gear....
    Love your card hun, he is really cute and I love flocking but always end up with more on me than on the card lol
    Hope you have a fab christmas and a very happy new year

    hugs shell xx

  4. Oh Jules I do so hope you manage to catch up with yourself, especially as you say its the last 1st class post day. I love your cheeky card, that ewe is gorgeous and the papers are as well. I hope you have a wonderful Xmas, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  5. gorgeous!! Love the fluffy sheep!! and the gorgeous font of your sentiment!! stunning card!

  6. I had to smile, you've described me to a tee. Panic stations and no family cards made yet!!!
    Love your ewe, she made me smile.
    Have a very Happy Christmas.


  7. Great card - the sentiment is fab. Hope you got all your posting done.
    Beryl xx

  8. hehe fab card
    have a wonderful Christmas
    Hugs AllisonX

  9. Yep.. almost there! Two more pressies to wrap, oh and the decorations to put up which I've been wanting to do for weeks, but not had the time (or the energy). But before the decs go up, I have to do some dusting and hoovering, which means putting away all my crafty stuff, and I've only just finished with all that. (You can tell I live alone, can't you? lol)

    I plan to wear a dust mask while I'm cleaning tomorrow!!! ;o)

    Hehe! Have a great Christmas, Jules, and hope you keep your New Year resolutions. Like me. Ha!

    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx