Friday 9 April 2010


Good morning Everyone

Up with the lark and full of excitement.

I am off to London today to stay with my Son and DIL ahead of us visiting Ally Pally tomorrow and won't return until later on Sunday.

I'm so excited about seeing the kids again and also excited about going to Ally Pally with them. Never been before and it is always nice to go somewhere different (especially if it involves craft goodies).

I feel a bit naughty as it isn't that long since I went to the NEC .. .. and I still have a few things to ink up and show from there .. .. .. but at least you can look forward to seeing a few "new" things over the next few weeks.

There should be a scheduled post making an appearance tomorrow in my absence (if all works well) and then I will catch up with you again Sunday/Monday.

In the meantime here is a little make I thought you might like to see using one of the Lili of the Valley stamps I bought from the NEC. Loving the LOTV stamp range at the mo.

Originally this was going to be my Allsorts Challenge card but it got superseded by something else I made. LOL!!!

This used:

Main Image: Lili of the Valley
Chequered flag: Woodware FRCL083 "Racing Cars"
Sentiment: Anita's
Inkssential "Glossy Accents"
Spellbinders Nestabilities "Large Deckled Rectangles"
Diamond Stickles

So .. .. why call me "Mrs on Charge" .. .. well I have a line of things all charging up ahead of leaving the house. My phone is on charge, the battery for my camera is on charge and my DS game machine LOL!!!!

I really love my DS machine and I gained some new games to play when it was my birthday .. .. but haven't had too much time to play them .. .. so I am going to be having a gaming fest whilst travelling to and from London this weekend!!!

Just need to sort out my fav music and then we are nearly set to go (once I have scheduled something for you look at tomorrow).

Have a great day everyone. It is supposed to be beautiful weather wise today so that will be nice for travelling too.

Catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. We are all ready this end too! Paul even cleaned the kitchen :) See you soon!

  2. Fabulous card Jules, such a great image and the flags just set it off perfectly!

    Oh what a wonderful time you will be having this weekend, you lucky girl! I look forward to seeing your write ups about Ally Pally!

    Have you tried Majjhong yet? I love it!

    Keryn x

  3. hope you all have a fab weekend...enjoy you catch up with your gaming lol

    great card hun, I got about 12 Lily stamps from the NEC they are gorgeous...but not this one lol

    take care shell xx

  4. Beautiful card! Have a great weekend!

  5. Just in case you haven't left yet Jules. Hope we do get to say hello tomorrow but if not have a lovely time.

    Lesley Xx

  6. Fab card Jules, love the cute boys image and simple layout. Hope you have a fabulous day at the Ally Pally! Have fun buying lots of essential craft goodies!:)

  7. Oh Jules this card made me smile - the image is so apt for today's kiddies isn't it - I must go buy it for my grandson's card. tfs.
    Have a great day in London.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx